Tea Party Patriots of Lackawanna County, PA.
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We could really use as much help as possible! You can make a difference!
Please join us in our grassroots efforts! If you are interested in volunteering please email me.We are currently focused on educating our local electorate.
Area's that might interest you would be to attend your local city council, School Board or County commissioners meetings to let us all know what is happening in your neighborhoods. We have a number of Team Leaders throughout the County and are always looking for more. Also, we will need Citizen Journalists to write, edit or provide articles for our newspaper. We will also need those that are able, to travel to both Harrisburg and Washington to hold the newly elected politicians "feet to the fire"!
We will be holding our first organizational meeting on Tuesday so I hope you can attend. Please see the event section for details.
Whatever you decide know this, Patriots such as yourself are the reason that we have taken back the house and created an Historic Election not seen since 1938!
Nice to have you on board!