Scranton Tea Party

Tea Party Patriots of Lackawanna County, PA.

8/28 Glenn Beck Restoring Honor rally DC

Event Details

8/28 Glenn Beck Restoring Honor rally DC

Time: August 28, 2010 from 4am to 10pm
Location: "Lincoln Memorial"
Phone: 570-780-8651
Event Type: rally
Organized By: Laureen
Latest Activity: Sep 15, 2010

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Event Description

Glenn Beck will be hosting another event this year in Washington DC at the Lincoln Memorial. Anyone that is interested in going on the Scranton Tea Party Bus please sign up here.

Bus pick up info:

There will be two pick-up spots as follows:

1st pick up :
3:30 am at Kmart on Birney Avenue in Moosic, Pa.

2nd pick up:
4 am at the Wyoming Valley mall in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. By Sears, pole U.

Cost is $35.00/person. Seats are NON-REFUNDABLE. Also, Please remember that we will need to tip our bus driver. All money is due and payable by Monday August 16, 2010. Please RSVP here AND call Laureen to either mail payment or drop it off. Checks/money orders are to be made out to Laureen A. Cummings.

WE CURRENTLY HAVE TWO BUSES ONE IS FULL THE OTHER HAS 19 SEATS AVAILABLE AS OF TODAY 08/20/10. If you are interested in a seat and have NOT confirmed your seat with me by email or phone call you need to do that ASAP.

I will be at the wyoming valley mall FOOD COURT between 4p & 5p to pick up payments for those in luzerne county.

I will also be at the viewmont mall FOOD COURT between 6p & 7p to pick up lackawanna county payments.

Comment Wall


RSVP for 8/28 Glenn Beck Restoring Honor rally DC to add comments!

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Comment by Bobby Sullivan on September 15, 2010 at 10:22pm
i tried to send the whole file but I think it only lets you send one pic at a time
Comment by Cathy Space on September 15, 2010 at 10:05pm
Check the link. I believe they are looking for videos as well.
Comment by Susan R. Kirby on September 15, 2010 at 9:53pm
@Cathy. I only took VIDEOS of the rally. Darn it!
Comment by Bobby Sullivan on September 15, 2010 at 9:00pm
Susan go to the event "Overseers and Watchers" and let Laureen know. She can get you an official letter to show to the Judge of Elections at your polling location. This is also about making sure that no one is outside persuading folks to vote for a candidate and to make sure the ballotts get delivered to the propper office on time to be counted.
Comment by Cathy Space on September 15, 2010 at 11:46am
FYI PATRIOTS - Glenn Beck is looking for photos to create a photo book of the rally. They want to include photo's taken by "us". Photos of us waiting in the dark at the mall for the bus, pictures of us on the bus, pictures of us walking to the rally, on the train, waiting for the train, riding in a taxi, etc. All aspects of the day.
Comment by Susan R. Kirby on September 14, 2010 at 2:19am
Hi Bobby, I saw that notice from Laureen. During Election Day, 2008, I volunteered and spent much of the day at the McCain Headquarters in Honesdale making phone calls to get out the vote. I stayed till the polls closed and we all went to a restaurant/bar to eat and watch the results. Of course we were all bummed out when Obummer won. Well, this year, I want to help out also. But I don't know if I would be allowed to stick around at my polling place unless I am an "official". I live in a tiny hick town with a small population, comprised of mostly large farm properties with a few square miles. There are literally 3 non residential buildings next to each other that makes up my "town": The polling place/town hall is one of them, it is a farmhouse that used to be a "one room schoolhouse". The only church (a Baptist one) is next to it and a construction business in a house after that. I honestly don't expect any problems at my polling place, considering where we live. Trust me, I don't expect any "Black Panthers" or Acornists blocking or infiltrating this little rural school. Everybody knows each other. A stranger would stick out. All my neighbors are down to Earth country folk: redneck farmers, hunters, religious Christian folk, (who attend that church), etc. Many are related to each other and have been there for generations. I think if a strange outsider was to try to block Bubba or Jake's way, he'd take out his hunting rifle and persuade him to go back he came from...LOL
Comment by Bobby Sullivan on September 13, 2010 at 11:42pm
Hey, Please check the latest event that Laureen posted today called "Overseers and Watchers" We need help on election day at the polling locations, you can be a Watcher at your own voting place.
Click on Overseers and Watchers and RSVP then leave a comment THERE.
Comment by Cathy Space on September 3, 2010 at 9:52am
I saw this journalist on Morning Joe. This is his article in Washington Post today. Calling the electorate "spoiled brats having a temper tantrum".
Comment by alex j rynkiewicz on September 3, 2010 at 9:30am
beck asking for 40 days and nights of prayer--if george washington waited 40 days and nights we would under british rule today. our patriots at lexington and concord would not be with 40 days and nights of prayer---what whimps--obama doesn1t know how close he is in becoming a dictator. senale and congress dont have one of them to stand up and ask obama for his birth certificate.--we are a spinless electorate. alex r
Comment by Robert Schmader on September 3, 2010 at 12:12am
my humble apologies to the Lee Morgan meet n greet, my lovely wife fell ill and we had to back out at the last minute...please keep us in the know on upcomming events.

I remain, R.Schmader

Attending (45)

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