Tea Party Patriots of Lackawanna County, PA.
Time: October 16, 2010 from 2:30pm to 8pm
Location: "Corner of River Street and Moltke"
Street: 401 Moltke Avenue
City/Town: Scranton
Website or Map: http://maps.google.com/
Phone: 570-780-8651
Event Type: grand opening
Organized By: Laureen
Latest Activity: Oct 15, 2010
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Hello Patriots!
Scranton Tea Party is proud to announce the opening of the AFP 'November is Coming' Tea Party Headquarters! The office location is 401 Moltke Avenue in Scranton, Pa. 18510.
Please join us for our Grand Opening on Saturday October 16, 2010 from 2:30 pm to 8 pm!
We will be taking sign ups and providing Training sessions for volunteers to join our Phone Banking efforts to Take Back our Country! Whether you make 10 calls a day or 1000, it will make a difference. Current AFP offices are reaching thousands of voters that would have never been called if it weren't for the help of Patriots such as yourself. Plus you can also make calls from home! It is YOUR efforts that will ensure victory on Nov. 2.
In addition to AFP sponsoring Tea Party Headquarters throughout Pa, they are also providing weekly prizes to those that are the Top Callers! Those prizes are as follows:
Top caller of the week gets a Outback Steakhouse Gift Certificate.
AND.... top prize overall will be rewarded with an ALL EXPENSE PAID TRIP TO CANCUN!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know phone calling can be boring sometimes, but it does make a difference. Remember, even if you can't get to our HQ, you can phone bank from the comfort of your own home. If you have not already, please take the time to make calls starting RIGHT NOW. You're country needs you!
In Liberty,
Laureen A. Cummings
Scranton Tea Party
Free Pocket Constitution:
Planning a visit to Washington DC as an individual or group? Staying overnight? Taking part in a DC Tea Party event?
Take advantage of Tea Party Patriots 20% discount direct booking websites shown below:
Tea Party Patriots at Savoy Suites
Tea Party Patriots at Carlyle Suites
© 2025 Created by Laureen Cummings.
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