Scranton Tea Party

Tea Party Patriots of Lackawanna County, PA.

So our 8/28 event turned out to be a HUGE SUCCESS! Thanks to ALL OF YOU! I am so grateful to all of you that attended and to those who stepped up to the plate to help watch out for your fellow members by being Team Leaders! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! You all did an EXCELLENT JOB!

I know I am biased, but I still say I have the best members in all of Pa! Every one of you did so much to help out and I am extremely grateful. I hope everyone enjoyed the event and I look forward to future ones!

I want to also make sure that I thank Danny Cook from the RNC. You know actions always speak louder than words. And his actions show a true respect , appreciation and support to the Scranton Tea Party that hasn't existed before. This action speaks volumes and should be noted by many.

Just so you all know , regardless of what you have read in the papers or watched on the news, we Tea Party members have not always been held in such high regard.... by the either party! And we certainly weren't supported by them, financially or otherwise.

We have come a long way in the past two years. We have worked very hard to be taken seriously by either party. But now through one simple act of kindness, I can finally say that our hard work is being noticed, respected and appreciated.

For over two years we have spent hours on end researching the issues, participating in teleconferences, on-line chats, meet up groups, attending seminars, educating ourselves and then educating our family, friends and neighbors,
holding local rallies, rallies in Harrisburg, rallies in Washington, rallies in New York, emailing, faxing and calling our Congressman and Senators only to be ignored or dismissed, visiting their offices here locally and in Washington, participating in the elections of candidates from N.Y., N.J., Virginia and Boston, writing letters to the editor, going door to door, weekly meetings, recruiting and even running for office ourselves! And that is just a few of the things we have been doing! Losing valuable time with our family and friends, not to mention work! And all the while wondering if anything we had been doing was actually making a difference.

And then it happens. One man makes a simple gesture of kindness and it sheds light on a whole new perspective of how your work is percieved by others.

This one simple act of kindness may seem meaningless to some, but to me is a huge deal. You see this has been the first time ever, that someone from the local RNC stepped up to show that they support and respect the efforts of the Scranton Tea Party. And it wasn't for doing anything for them, it was a show of support of one of our events. One in which they would not even be a participant in.

Danny Cook of the RNC decided to find out what time our buses would be leaving for Washington for the Glenn Beck event, and then he made sure he was there at 3 AM to see us off and provide us with water and snacks for our trip. And he wasn't even attending!

Although it may not seem like such a big deal to some, his actions speak volumes to me. And it is truly inspirational and rewarding to say the least. But most definitely, it is appreciated more than words can express.

It is his actions that show that the local RNC is willing to support our efforts as well. And that my friends, hasn't come easily or overnight. It is something that we have worked very hard at attaining. I can honestly say that it shows a respect for the work we have been doing. A respect I wasn't quite sure we had earned yet, but now feel confident that we have.

So the next time you see Danny Cook, please be sure to thank him for his much appreciated act of kindness that says more than anyone can imagine.

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