Scranton Tea Party

Tea Party Patriots of Lackawanna County, PA.

We are asking Scranton Tea Party members to contact their local school district and request the following information: 2010-2011 school budget; proposed 2011-2012 school budget, when available; most recent financial audit report; salaries of all employees & their position; copy of each bargaining units' collective bargaining contract; curriculum for all grade levels, most concern is in the areas of history, science, and social studies; and most current actuarial study for all pension plans.  If you have any questions or if you not getting cooperation from the school district, please contact Laureen or me.

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We here at Lakeland School District changed the entire face of our board. We were tired of the same old politics as usual and worked tirelessly for the past 5 years to make these changes. It took a BLOG that I wrote for those years along with an insider who was getting pertinent information on what was REALLY going on here in the district to CHANGE a 5 to 3 majority for them into an 8 to 1 majority for us. I am proud of the work many of us did to make these changes and am confident that if you want to do the same, you can, it takes perseverance and a willingness to make the needed changes regardless of your relationship to politico's who may be asking for your vote, even though you know they are wrong. Don't perpetuate mistakes for the sake of a personal favor based on a HAND OUT job or a favor for a friend or relative. Remember, no one knows who you vote for once you are in the booth. Do it for fiscal responsibility and a better education for your children.



If you would like to read SOME of the posts that helped to make the change, go to LAKELAND SCHOOL DISTRICT IS BACK on Facebook and ask to be added to read the posts that changed an entire, ENTRENCHED board..

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