--Selection of School Superintendent’s--
Why does the school board ask Parents to attend hearings pertaining to selection of Superintendent’s? Does it make any difference what the parent’s want?
Isn’t the school board supposed to do what the parents want? Are they doing it?
Who is running the schools, the Superintendent or the Parents?
Who is running the schools, the School Board or the Parents?
Who is running the schools, the State or the Parents?
Who is running the schools, the National Government or the Parents?
Who is running the schools? ------The Liberals and the Unions in Washington D.C.------
Since the Liberals in Washington DC have taken over all the schools in America, do they have a Political agenda?
If they have a Political Agenda, then what is it?
The Liberals agenda is to kick God out of our Schools and our Nation by teaching the Evil False Religion of Evolution!
Liberals are now teaching our Kids they come from Monkeys or some other such Nonsense.
Do you want your Kids taught this Lie?
It is the Liberals agenda to –Lie-- and say that the Founding Fathers were all Anti-God.
What do these Liberal’s want? They want to destroy our Constitution and the very Foundation our Nation was built upon. ----They want to fundamentally change America.-----
---Questions for our school board’s and persons seeking the superintendent position:---
Do you believe in and Support and Defend the United States Constitution and all it stands for?
Yes____ No___
Will you fully support Freedoms of Speech and Press in our Schools?
Yes____ No___
Do you believe our Nation was founded based on our Creator? (Declaration of Independence) Yes__ No__
Will you see to it that a program is instituted to again start teaching our Kids the Purpose of our Constitution, that it’s sole purpose is to Limit Government from taking away our Freedoms, Rights, and Liberties?
Yes______ No______
Do you think it is ok to teach evolution in our schools to our Kids? Yes___ No___
Are you willing to take this Constitutional Oath and Honor it:
5 USC § 3331 Oath of office: An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath:
“I, --------------------, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.
Yes_____ No______
Please sign your name to verify your answers______________________________ Date ___________
Do we have any school board member’s willing to be first and stand up and do the right thing? Where is your signature?
Why would any school board member or person seeking to fill the position of superintendent refuse to sign this questionnaire?
Could it be because they are Liberal’s who have rejected our Creator and replace him with evolution?
Could it be that they have become Domestic Enemies without even knowing it and are destroying our Constitution and America from within by not being willing to stand up and do the right thing?
Could it be they have become deceived by the Power they have to control parents and kids and do not realize the Harm they are doing to America?
It is time to bring back control of our schools to the Parents at the Local level.
It is time to hold our school board members accountable for business as usual.
It is time school board members’s work for us, by bringing back local control for all schools in America.
It is time for our school board member’s to realize they are part of the problem when they vote to allow business as usual. It is time for each school board member to take back the control of our schools from Washington DC to local control.
Each Parent and American citizen has to take our schools back from National control. We cannot allow our Kids to continue to be taught to become Socialists.
Parents Rise up, don’t take No for an answer. We must take back our schools from the Liberal National Control and place it back into the hands of parents at the Local level. Parents our Kids are ours, they do not belong to the Government. This is not just a need, this is a Must! We Absolutely must do it now, not tomorrow, to Save our Constitutional Republic!
---Liberals want to fundamentally change America by Destroying our Constitution!----
--These Liberals are using National Control of our Schools to Destroy our Constitution!—
--We the People are the Government, not a hand full of Liberals who have Hi-Jacked our Government.--