Scranton Tea Party

Tea Party Patriots of Lackawanna County, PA.

Middle District of Georgia’s Albany office

U.S. Probation office


Attn: Scott Howell, case supervisor for Troy Greve in Case No 8:12CR344                                 Phone: 229/903-1263                                                                                         May 30, 2013

FAX: 229/430-8537


State of Georgia                        )

                        ) ss.

County of ___________                        )



(A Declaration of Independence)

From now on it is all business

 in the Nature of two combatants, toe-to-toe, muskets in the mouth.

(“And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you Free”. –Jesus –John 8:32)


I, Affiant, Randall David Due, Public Minister, acting in my own proper person, certify under my own commercial liability, that the following is true, correct, materially complete, and not misleading to the best of my knowledge and belief.








AM6/INFO (Nature and Cause of Accusation), AM14.1/EP (Equal Protection of the Law) --I may require as much from a Judge and/or any other court officer and/or agent of the government as this Nation and its Constitution have required and gotten from me.




I, Randall David Due, demand “Full Disclosure” from you, Scott Howell, of your required Constitutional Oath of office, equivalent to the Oath of Induction into the Military to “support and Defend this Nation and its Constitution for the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic”, and the “Full Disclosure” of your Bonding and/or Public Official Liability Insurance policies, for Identification of your person and Duties and Responsibilities, so that I may discover who you are and who you claim to be, and that you have adequate Commercial Liability Coverage for any Civil Rights Damages I feel and/or believe that you might be involved in as Principal or Accessory Accomplice in violation of my Civil Rights, relative to the following US Codes:18 USC §§ 2, 3, 4, 241, 242, 2381, 2382, 2383 & others.


Should you, Scott Howell, have any communication you wish to present to me, I demand, pursuant to the 5th, 6th and 14th Amendments, that you do so by Affidavit sworn to be true, correct, complete, and not misleading under your own Commercial Liability.


Also any other government officer or their agency parties, who expect to achieve any meaningful communication with me must do so by Affidavit sworn to be true, correct, complete and not misleading under their own Commercial Liability.


Casual Communication will be regarded as deliberately evasionary.


Anything less than this, such as casual communication, will be construed to be evidence of a Direct “Patent Evasion” of “Full Disclosure”, also known as “Fraud”, a violation of my rights of “Due Process of Law”, a violation of Article IV section 1 of the Constitution for the United States of America, a violation of my 5th and 14th Amendment rights of “Due Process of Law”, and a violation of my Civil Rights, 18 USC §§ 241 & 242.


Affiant(s) exercise the right to amend this and/or any other document if necessary, in order that the truth be more fully and certainly ascertained and justly determined.

Affiant, Randall David Due, in the Flesh and Blood in Proper Person, do not consent to be an accessory party to Fraud (18 USC §§ 2, 3 & 4) and/or violation of my certain un-a-lien-able Rights endowed by my Creator and secured by the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and by our soldiers who swear an Oath to defend this Nation and its Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Further more, I reserve all of my Rights using the UCC 1-308 (Performance or Acceptance under Reservation of Rights) in relationship to any past and or future action concerning this case. Notice is hereby given. Fraud vitiates all Contracts and is grounds for reversal of all Legal Faults.


Randall David Due aka Randy Due, Public Minister; Ex. Military (Civil Rights Advocate) acting as a Non-union Lawyer (not a member of the bar association) pursuant to 42 USC § 1986 (acting with Reasonable Diligence) & 18 USC § 4 (Mandate to act), 18 USC §§ 241 & 242 (Protection of the Nation, its Constitution and Civil Rights)

Public Minister pursuant to and protected by Public Law 94-583, Oct. 21, 1976 Stat. 2891 [Codified in Title 28 U.S.C § 1602 et esq.]; and Public Law 1790, 1 Stat. At L. 117, Ch 9 [Codified in 22 U.S.C. § 252]; Public Law 1948, Ch 645, 62 Stat. 688 [Codified in Title 18 U.S.C § 112] and Public Law 1871, Ch 22, § 6, 17 Stat. 15; [Codified in 42 U.S.C. § 1986]


179 Green St. E. Pelham, Georgia 31779

Phone: (229) 294-6112;         FAX: (229) 294-4594                  



Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal; Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent


Executed this ______ day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen.


                                                                     By: __________________________________

                                                           (Signature of Affiant, Public Minister “Without Recourse”)


Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this ______day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen by Randall David Due.


__ Personally Known__ Produced Identification Type and # of ID______________________



                                                                                                                     (Signature of Notary)



                                                                                                 (Name of Notary Typed, Stamped, or Printed)

                                                                                  Notary Public, State of _________________

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I, Randall David Due, acting as a Public Minister/Civil Rights Advocate, protecting the Civil Rights of my fellow countrymen, was attacked, tasered and kidnapped by FBI Agents, Pelham Code Officer and Pelham Police Officers and dragged in handcuffs and chains before the United States District Court Judge Thomas Q, Langstaff acting in the Nature of a U.S. Magistrate Judge in Albany, Georgia on March 7 and again on 11, 2013. This was in direct violation of the 8th Amendment (the cruel and unusual punishment Amendment) of the Constitution for the United States of America, purportedly for an Identification Hearing, but they knew who I was and they knew what I believe and they knew that I was not a violent person and they knew that I do everything by sworn Affidavit, in short, they knew that I was a Law Abiding Citizen. At that point it was Judge Thomas Q, Langstaff’s Duty and Responsibility to question the Agents who brought me before the court, and get a “Full Disclosure”, under Oath on the court record, of what had happened, but he did not do that. So obviously they simply didn’t want me on the street protecting my fellow countrymen’s Civil Rights. The claim that it was an Identification Hearing was absurd because they probably knew more about me than they did about each other. I have been a long time Patriot, and have been and I still am a Soldier working as a Public Minister for my country, and I have deep feelings about the way our soldiers are being mis-treated.


The Military Soldiers, who are serving this Nation, losing their sanity and body parts, shedding their Blood, and Dying on battle fields, presumably to protect and defend the Nation and its Constitution against all enemies, for which they have taken a sworn National Oath and serving to protect our Freedoms, Liberties and Pursuit of Happiness, and serving to protect the soldiers’ own futures and their families’ futures, are being cheated out of “Justice” in the court system, as is happening to the Public Citizens.


If Judges, Attorneys and/or other Court Actors think they are above taking a sworn National Oath and giving Proper Identification upon the demand of any Taxpaying Citizen/the Public, then the young men and women of America should not be required to take an Oath to Defend and Protect this Nation and its Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic backed up with the loss of their Sanity and Body Parts, the Shedding of their Blood, and Dying on Battlefields.


AM6/INFO (Nature and Cause of Accusation), AM14.1/EP (Equal Protection of the Law) --I may require as much from a Judge as this Nation and its Constitution have required and gotten from me.



I, Randall David Due, demand that you, Mr. Judge Thomas D. Thalken immediately provide to me Certified copies of your required Oath to support this Nation and its Constitution for the United States of America so that you and your Commercial Liability can be properly identified and established in this case no 8:12CR344.


I also immediately demand copies of your required Bonding and/or Public Official Liability Insurance, which guarantee your Faithful Performance of your Duties and Responsibilities to the Citizens/the Public, who you are Trustee and Servant to, so that you and your Commercial Liability can be properly identified and established in this case no 8:12CR344.


I demand that the above cited copies be sent by Certified Mail to me at my below listed address.


I am making these demands in my own proper person “WITHOUT RECOURSE” because “Mr. Hug” as my court appointed defense counsel, personally appointed to me by you, Mr. Thalken, has refused to obtain this information, obviously because he is Intimidated by the Power which you can wield against him, his Bar Card, his membership in the Bar Association and his success in the courtroom, information which I must have as “Full Disclosure” in order to Lawfully recognize you, the purported Judge in this case, as being the proper person to sit in the Judicial Office on the bench before the Bar in Case No 8:12CR344. Otherwise, I do not recognize you, Mr. Thomas D. Thalken, to be the Lawful Judge in this case and I do not recognize any of your orders to be binding under the Supreme Law of the Land of this Nation, the Constitution for the United States of America and the Laws pursuant thereto. I am opposed to Conflict of Interest and Conspiracy, especially when it is being used against me by such as you and Mr. Hug.


Failure of Mr. Hug’s Professional Duties and Responsibilities to Faithfully and Diligently Protect my Civil Rights as court appointed assistance of counsel


I have made the following contacts. Read them. E-mail requests to Mr. Hug:

4/29/2013: “Where are the Required Constitutional Oaths and names of the Bonding Companies and Bond numbers of each Judge, prosecuting attorney, FBI Agent, U.S. Marshall and yourself included so involved in this case?”


5/9/2013: “You still have failed in your duties to obtain certified copies of all court officers involved in this court case 8:12CR344 required Oaths to support the Constitution as I have previously requested.”


Mr. Hug has refused to fulfill my demands.


You, Mr. Thomas D. Thalken have been Process Served by Mail using a document, which is an integral part of its certified envelope.


Randall David Due aka Randy Due, Public Minister; Ex. Military (Civil Rights Advocate) acting as a Non-union Lawyer (not a member of the bar association) pursuant to 42 USC § 1986 (acting with Reasonable Diligence) & 18 USC § 4 (Mandate to act), 18 USC §§ 241 & 242 (Protection of the Nation, its Constitution and Civil Rights)

Public Minister pursuant to and protected by Public Law 94-583, Oct. 21, 1976 Stat. 2891 [Codified in Title 28 U.S.C § 1602 et esq.]; and Public Law 1790, 1 Stat. At L. 117, Ch 9 [Codified in 22 U.S.C. § 252]; Public Law 1948, Ch 645, 62 Stat. 688 [Codified in Title 18 U.S.C § 112] and Public Law 1871, Ch 22, § 6, 17 Stat. 15; [Codified in 42 U.S.C. § 1986]


179 Green St. E.                                                                                    May 29, 2013

Pelham, Georgia 31779

Phone: (229) 294-6112;        FAX: (229) 294-4594                  



CC: To Congressmen of USA, selected media and the Public



Notice of the Existence of a First Amendment Administrative Commercial Lien Process of the United States of America

May 19, 2013

A Consensual Public Commercial Lien is:


>1. A Commercial Lien against a Public Official’s violation of their required Official Oath, which is equal to the Military Oath, to support this Nation and its Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, [This Lien is supported by the filing of a Criminal Complaint.]


>2. And also is, a Commercial Lien against the Public Official’s Rebellion, Insurrection or Treason committed against the Nation and its Constitution,


>3. And also is, consequently, a Commercial Lien against the Public Official’s violation of the Natural and Civil Rights of Freedom; Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, of the People of the United States of America.


>4. And also is, a penalty against the Public Official’s failure to provide the necessary, proper and lawful Services, which have been paid for by the Public through Taxation, and a penalty against the Public Officials for substituting False, Fictitious and Fraudulent Services,


>5. And also is, therefore, to provide restitution and rebate of taxes back to the Public as an exercise of the First Amendment “…right of the People peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” ----to guarantee “Just Compensation” for Taxes.


"This Constitution shall be the Supreme Law of the Land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding." (U.S. Constitution, Article VI, paragraph 2.)   See also Amendment 5 –“Just Compensation”.


The Military Soldiers, who are serving this Nation, losing their sanity and body parts, shedding their Blood, and Dying on battle fields, presumably to protect and defend the Nation and its Constitution against all enemies, and serving to protect our Freedoms, Liberties and Pursuit of Happiness, and serving to protect the soldiers’ own futures and their families’ futures, are being cheated out of “Justice” in the court system, as is happening to the Public Citizens.


Internationally, an Administrative Commercial Lien Process contains a very gracious Grace Period of 3-months (Jewish), 90 days (Statutory), in which the Defendant(s)/Lien Debtor(s) party receiving this Commercial Lien Process can contest the Commercial Lien Claim (Claim of Commercial Lien) categorically point-for-point, if they feel or believe that any part of the Administrative Commercial Lien Process is False, Fictitious or Fraudulent.


The 3-month (90-day) Grace Period allows ample time for the Defendant/Lien Debtor to expose the Commercial Lien Claimant’s Claim and the Commercial Lien Claimant to the strict Remedies of Commercial Law, enough time to discover and reveal whether or not any part of the Commercial Lien Claim is False, Fictitious or Fraudulent.


Upon refusal or failure of the Commercial Lien Defendant(s)/Lien Debtor(s) to fully contest the Commercial Lien categorically point-for-point within the Grace Period, a condition that is called “Default”, that Commercial Lien becomes activated as an account receivable collectable by marching and seizing, also known as debt collection. The Grace period can be extended for reasonable cause.


It is “Patently “ obvious that, if the Officials, Officers and Agents of an All-Powerful Government have not “contested” the Commercial Lien within the 3-month (90 day) Grace Period, then it must be because its Public Officials, Officers and/or Agents cannot contest the Commercial Lien without exposing their own “Fraudulent Behavior, Incompetent Behavior, or Criminal Behavior”. Let them prove otherwise.


When the Government’s Public Officials, Officers and/or Agents dishonor the Administrative Grace Process, by Contempt or other Default, they waive their Legal and Lawful ability to claim that the Administrative Commercial Lien Process is False, Fictitious or Fraudulent.






Should you disagree with or contest any part of this international Administrative Commercial Lien Process document, you must immediately show, by an Affidavit sworn to be true, correct, materially complete and not misleading under your own Commercial Liability, your specific “Just Cause” of Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law to support your contesting of the Administrative Commercial Lien Process.


Failure or refusal to “Contest” this Administrative Commercial Lien Process shall be construed to mean that you are in total agreement with all points of this document.


 Randall David Due, exercise the right to amend this and/or any other document if necessary, in order that the truth be more fully and certainly ascertained and justly determined.


Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal; Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent




Randall David Due aka Randy Due, Public Minister; Ex. Military (Civil Rights Advocate) acting as a Non-union Lawyer (not a member of the bar association) pursuant to 42 USC § 1986 (acting with Reasonable Diligence) & 18 USC § 4 (Mandate to act), 18 USC §§ 241 & 242 (Protection of the Nation, its Constitution and Civil Rights)

Public Minister pursuant to and protected by Public Law 94-583, Oct. 21, 1976 Stat. 2891 [Codified in Title 28 U.S.C § 1602 et esq.]; and Public Law 1790, 1 Stat. At L. 117, Ch 9 [Codified in 22 U.S.C. § 252]; Public Law 1948, Ch 645, 62 Stat. 688 [Codified in Title 18 U.S.C § 112] and Public Law 1871, Ch 22, § 6, 17 Stat. 15; [Codified in 42 U.S.C. § 1986]


179 Green St. E.

Pelham, Georgia 31779

Phone: (229) 294-6112;       

FAX: (229) 294-4594                  

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