Tea Party Patriots of Lackawanna County, PA.
Two maxims govern the legal foundation of all civilized human societies, the Labor Maxim and the Equal Protection Maxim.
The prosperity of every nation is deeply affected by the degree to which its common citizens and its officials act in compliance with the Labor Maxim and the Equal Protection Maxim.
1. The Labor Maxim-
(a) A workman/labor is worthy of his hire/wage.
2. The Equal Protection Maxim-
(a) The law shall be equally applied to all persons.
(b) The law shall subject all persons to the same mode of regulation.
(c) All persons shall be equally protected by the law.
(d) All persons shall be equally obligated by the law.
3. The Contract Maxim- (Corollary Maxim)
(a) The commercial and social laws of contract shall be equally applied to all parties of the contract (persons and legal entities).
(b) The commercial and social laws of contract shall subject both opposite parties of a contract to the same mode of regulation.
(c) Both opposite parties to a contract are to be equally protected by the commercial and social laws of contract.
(d) Both opposite parties to a contract are to be equally obligated by the commercial and social laws of contract.
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for the U.S.A. [hereafter the U.S Constitution, or Constitution] are jointly the contract of specific performance between the U.S. citizens as the parties on one side of the agreement, and the U.S. government, its officers, employees, agents, and subcontractors as the parties on the other side of the agreement.
By the equal application of the law, every commercial and social lien right that tax financed public officials exercise or enforce against tax paying citizens provides tax paying citizens with an equal lien right that citizens can exercise or enforce against tax financed public officials.
Any attempt by a public official to deliberately deny any citizen the equal protection of the law or to evade the provision of the equal protection of the law constitutes a breach of the Constitution for the United States of America and constitutes a creation of either a commercial or a military lien right by the offending party.
CLR-G1: The government has a potential commercial lien right to collect/levy taxes from the citizen for specific performance (services) rendered by the government for the citizen.
CLR-G2: When the taxes are not paid by the citizen, then the citizen is in breach of contract and the government has a lien right against the citizen.
CLR-G3: When the citizen intentionally evades the payment of taxes, then the government’s lien right extends to the right of the government to seize the citizen’s personal property to pay the taxes.
Pursuant to the Labor Maxim, the Equal Protection Maxim, and the Contract Maxim, there exists a reciprocal statement of the citizen’s commercial lien right.
CLR-C1: The citizen has a potential commercial lien right to collect/levy political specific performance (services) from the government for taxes paid by the citizen to the government.
CLR-C2: When the political specific performance (services) is not forthcoming from the government, then the government is in breach of the contract and the citizen has the lien right against the government.
CLR-C3: When a public official deliberately violates the U.S. Constitution in the specific performance of his/her duties, then his/her act, being criminal in nature, places him/her outside the veil of corporate limited liability on his/her own personal liability, and then the citizen’s lien right extends to the right of the citizen to seize the politician’s/official’s real and personal property to pay for breach of specific performance (18 USC §§ 241 & 242, etc.).
If the citizen’s attempt to exercise the commercial lien right against a public official is subverted by a Constitutional violation by that public official or by other public officials acting in conspiracy with that public official, then the public official or officials are engaging in mixed war and holding office in insurrection and rebellion against the Constitution, and, therefore, the military lien right is justified and is automatically activated thereby.
MLR-G1: The government has a potential military lien right to collect/levy upon a citizen’s life for the conduction of a war (the draft), to protect this Nation/Country and its Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic.
MLR-G2: It is a demand for specific performance called military service, also known as the draft.
MLR-G3: When a person is drafted or inducted into the military to execute military duties of external protection of this Nation/Country and its Constitution, the citizen takes an oath to defend his/her Nation/Country and its Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic.
MLR-G4: If the citizen refuses to be drafted, in compliance with the U.S. Constitution, then he/she must be imprisoned. Otherwise, the military service is undermined and rendered ineffective.
MLR-G5: If the citizen runs in the face of the enemy and thus threatens to demoralize the military force of the Nation/Country, then he/she is subject to the penalty of death, and subject to being shot in the back by a government agent (military officer) as he/she runs away from the fight.
Pursuant to the Labor Maxim, the Equal Protection Maxim, and the Contract Maxim, there exists a reciprocal statement of the citizen’s military lien right:
MLR-C1: The citizen has a potential military lien right to collect/levy upon a public official’s life for the provision of public service (e.g., justice) to protect this Nation/Country and its Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic.
MLR-C2: It is a demand for specific performance called public service, justice, etc..
MLR-C3: When a person is elected, appointed, contracted, or compensated to execute political duties of internal protection of the Nation/Country and its Constitution, it is understood that such duties will be fulfilled in strict compliance with, enforcement of, and protection of this Nation/Country and its Constitution, and in full support of and respect for the sacrifices of the citizen as a soldier.
MLR-C4: If the public official refuses to provide the contracted public service (e.g., justice) in compliance with the U.S. Constitution, then he/she must be imprisoned. Otherwise, the public service is undermined and rendered ineffective.
MLR-C5: If the public official violates allegiance to the U.S. Constitution by deliberately violating the Constitution, or by deliberately treating the mandates of the Constitution with contempt, especially after being put on notice of, or reprimanded for, said contempt, and thereby acts as a domestic enemy of this Nation/Country and its Constitution by reversing the benefits gotten by the sacrifice of our soldiers, and thus threatens to demoralize the legal force of the Nation/Country, then that public official is lawfully subject to the penalty of death at the hand of the injured citizen or his/her assignee; because – any lesser penalty would allow the corrupt agents of the present government and the next corrupt ruling agents of the government to pardon the violation of the Constitution and laws of this Nation/Country, and would allow those agents to reward past evil performance by new employment of the offenders in the new regime (New World Order).
In American history, the Declaration of Independence served the legal purpose of making a Solemn Recognition of Mixed War, which is a Notice of Military Lien Right, a warning of No Trespass, an assertion that any killing or taking of human life necessary for the protection of the legal remedies of the common citizen is being done, in the immediate situation described in the Solemn Recognition or Notice, not as murder, but as lethal self-defense of the commercial and social remedy against the cited domestic enemy or enemies. The Declaration of Independence is the legal model or format for the construction of the Solemn Recognition of Mixed War and the Notice of Military Lien Right.
If you find this info helpful, please feel free to e-mail etc to other Americans so interested.
Randy Due (Civil Rights Advocate) Non-union Lawyer pursuant to 42 USC § 1986
179 Green St. E.
Pelham, Georgia 31779
Political Prostitutes
How do we determine if any Political Prostitutes have infiltrated the Tea Party ranks?
Would we 1st need to define who a Political Prostitute is?
Definition: Political -- Pertaining or relating to the policy or the administration of government, state or national…. As political theories… seek to determine or control its public policy… (Black’s Law 6th Ed.)
Definition: Prostitute -- to offer for hire for lewd use; devote to improper purposes. (Noah Webster Dictionary 1938 Ed.)
Surely anyone comes in claiming to be a Conservative and claiming to stand for the Constitution of the United States of America couldn’t be a Political Prostute hiding in Sheep’s clothes attempting to deceive the average Tea party member?
Could it be?
Like the ole saying goes: These Political Prostitutes may be able to Fool all the people some of the time, but they are not able to fool all the people all the time.
Any Red Blooded American who has served in the Military has taken the Oath to Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America, the Nation/Country from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. When we come home and we are treated with Contempt by these Political Prostitutes (Domestic Enemies who are committing Rebellion and Insurrection against our Nation/Country and its Constitution), either in the Court system of out of it, have the Military Lien Right to personally punish these Political Prostitute (Treasonous Enemy) to the fullest extent allow by the Supreme Law of the Land, the Constitution of the united States of America and any supporting Laws.
Any Political Prostitute who receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender (any other Political Prostitute) in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact.
18 USC § 3: Accessory after the fact Whoever, knowing that an offense against the United States has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact.
18 USC § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights
18 USC § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law
42 USC §1986 Action for Neglect to Prevent
18 USC § 1951 - Interference with commerce by threats or violence
(2) The term “extortion” means the obtaining of property (our Civil Rights including our time and our right of Due Process of Law is our Property) from another, with his consent, induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or fear, or under color of official right.
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death…
Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Failure to provide Full Disclosure is Fraud, predicated upon violation of Due Process of Law.
Fraud is gaining at the loss of another using trickery or deception.
Fraud vitiates a Contract.
Vitiate: To impair; to make void or voidable; to cause to fail of force or effect. To destroy or annul, either entirely or in part. The legal efficacy and binding force of an act or instrument; as when it is said that fraud vitiates a contract. (Black’s law Dictionary 6th Ed.)
Randy Due (Civil Rights Advocate) Non-union Lawyer pursuant to 42 USC § 1986; Ex. Military
179 Green St. E.
Pelham, Georgia 31779
Free Pocket Constitution:
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Take advantage of Tea Party Patriots 20% discount direct booking websites shown below:
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Tea Party Patriots at Carlyle Suites
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