Scranton Tea Party

Tea Party Patriots of Lackawanna County, PA.

Theory of evolution?

Ever stop and ask yourself why it is called the theory of evolution and not the facts of evolution?

Maybe I can share something most folks do not know about, which may be of interest to you.

My background has made me privy to things many folks have absolutely no idea about concerning Nature and mankind.

One part of this involves Electro-magnetic Energy Frequencies, which each Species of animals and plants are part of a Specific Major Frequency and when the Frequency changes there is a Different Species.

These frequencies can be measured and have been by a few privy scientists.

Of course you cannot find this interesting measuring device at the local Monkey shop.

Within each Species there is what we may call Micro-frequencies, which are what allow for the adaptation to the varied environmental conditions a Species may find it's self in giving rise to different colors, shapes etc, but the Species stays the same.

Example: Cows, we have Jersey cows, Holstein cows, Angus cows, etc, but they are still cows.

It is same for the monkey family, all Monkeys.

It is the same for the Bird family, Cat family, dog family etc.

The Human family is a Specific family of people and by Nature can never evolve from any other Species family Naturally.

This means the idea of Natural Mutation is Impossible for one Specific Species to produce another Species. Who has ever seen a Cat give birth to a Dog, or a Fish to a Bird?

Evolution is just a False theory of Religion that Liberals worship! Did the Liberals have you Fooled into believing they had Separation between Religion and State or Government?

In Fact Evolution is one of the Biggest Lies the Liberals are Brainwashing our Kids with in the National schools of America.

And the Liberal Monkeys think they have it all figured out?

Monkey see, monkey do, did the Liberals make a Monkey outta you too?

This might be one of the Biggest Nut jobs the Liberals in Washington DC have pulled off?

For the Liberals to Destroy our Constitution, they have to remove our Creator from our Schools and Government. Without the Creator the Constitution is Null and Void!

What better way than to Fool as many Kids and Parents with the Biggest Lie in History, called the Theory of evolution. --Brainwash our Kids--

We even have Liberal Monkey Nuts in Washington DC who want to call the Constitution a Living Constitution, so they can change it to suit their Liberal Socialist agenda.

Don’t you want to be one of their Socialists Monkey Nuts only getting to eat the Rotten Nuts they decide to throw you?

Have a Good Day!


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