Scranton Tea Party

Tea Party Patriots of Lackawanna County, PA.

Here we are only one year after this "progressive" President was elected. So far he has taken over the banks, insurance companies, automobile industry and NOW ... he has taken over not just health care but our student loans as well.

Insurance companies can no longer remain in business unless they provide insurance as the GOVERNMENT TELLS THEM TO. If the government makes you provide services that are not affordable for your company would you be able to stay in business without raising your rates?

How about the fact that the government took over the student loan program with this bill as well? Your kids will not be able to get a student loan unless the GOVERNMENT allows them to have one. Did you know that this Congress added this to the health care bill?

Did you know that Sallie Mae is no longer allowed to give out student loans because the government will be the only ones allowed to provide them? Why you ask? Gee I don't know? Maybe so THEY will tell us who can go to college and who can't by only allowing certain "types" of kids to get loans while denying others?

What other reason could there be? I haven’t heard ANY discussions about a problem with student loans. Have you? NO! Then why would they EVER add this government takeover of student loans to a health care bill? CONTROL … that’s why! Where was the media in reporting this fact?

Is this the “change” you were all looking for? Did you know that this is what this man was doing? Are you going to allow him to continue to “fundamentally change our country”?

Are you going to continue to be blinded by the liberal media calling you a racist just because you don’t agree with this man’s socialist, if not communist ideology?

To think that this President, and the media, has used the good hearted spirit of the American people against them. I said it before and I will say it again. “Shame on you … shame on ALL of you that have lied to the American people about what this bill actually represents.” This bill represents nothing more than a government takeover of our health care system and student loan program.

This government is systematically taking over our freedoms all in the name of compassion. Where is the compassion when we are radically changing how we live in America? Do you want your children growing up under the tyranny of a radical, progressive government? Do you want to live as those that live in Cuba under Chavez? Is that the “change” you were looking for?

I will be putting out a daily update on what this administration is up to since our local media refuses to tell you the truth. They will twist and spin these bills as somehow being “good and compassionate”. They will lie, cheat and steal in order to make you believe that the progressive take-over of America is a good thing.

I will tell you what is in the bills and will let you SEE them. Something this administration has been reluctant to do. Ask yourself, “Why did they HAVE to vote on the bill within 72 hours of its release?” “Why did they have to bribe members of their own party, the Democrats, just to get them to pass it?” Don’t let them fool you.

The Republicans did not vote for this bill, this is true. What the media didn’t make clear to you is that the Republicans are not the ones that the Obama Administration is fighting with. It has been the Democrats AND the American people!

The Tea Party members have been the ones to bring the truth out about these bills. This administration AND the media have done all that they could to portray them as a racist, angry mob. This was done to divert your attention away from the fact that the Tea Party members have been trying to educate you about this administrations real intentions.

Will they eventually make praying in front of the Capital a racist or angry thing? Would you be surprised to read that in the headlines sometime in the near future?

Fear not, however, because this is not the end. We will defeat these progressive socialists.

We are Americans, we will not stand down and we will fight! We will defeat this progressive (aka: socialist) agenda.

Do not give up! Do not sit down! Fight for your freedom! Stand up and fight for your rights! Do not let them win.

Call your Congressman and visit their office to ask them how they could have allowed this to pass. Ask Rep. Carney what he received in return for his vote for this bill. I hear he got Rep. Murtha’s old committee job. Is it rumor or truth? We WILL be watching to find out!

God Bless You and God Bless America!

Laureen A. Cummings

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This has been going on since the 70's - in the background as they have infiltrated our country with the plan of takeover without a shot being fired- takeover by migration. The phase began with migrating and assimilation.They came in under the guise of peaceful immigrants seeking acceptance and religious freedom.They inter-married and seemed moderate, good neighbors.. They were law abiding and little was publicized about them. They quietly educated their children behind closed doors and then the next phase began~

WE are in phase 2~ Their kids are citizens, students in colleges. They have lobbied meanwhile to alter laws that would be directed at discrimination and religious freedom. By helping to enact these laws, they have cleared the way to begin their push into our society.Now everyone has to speak 'politically correct' that is to say "truth is lacking in the public square"~!

The laws passed in the last 10-20 years now make it virtually impossible for Christians to witness without being charged with hate crimes~It also enables them legal recourse to stop Christmas displays in public places and more to change public overall opinion.

I used to work on Wall St in NYC and ocassionally met foreign diplomats. One time I sat in on a meeting in the Drake Hotel on Park Ave in NYC in 1972 with Adolphus Benjamin Talbot, the son of the President of Liberia, along with several Arab Oil Princes and media heads from Hollywood.

I heard their plans and kept my mouth shut as I was just a kid working on Wall St and invited for 'show' .Their plan was to first change American opinion and to create black heroes in the American cinema so that they could introduce the agenda they had been using in Africa. They said the only way theu could effect the change was to change the minds of the American youth. I didnt quite understand what they were talking about or aiming at but thought to myself they were crazy.

Soon after "Shaft" was produced, one of the first black superstar detective movies.It was a hi. Then Blackula and similar movies that older white America would hardly of noticed, but their kids did~!!

It's not enough that these movies were to each be written glorifying soem great fictitious black hero, but simultaneously were presenting the dumb white inferior sidekicks, thus putting down white while putting up black - making role reversals and were meant to alter the youth perspective. They didnt care about older people as they were reaching our youth.

One movie. okay, so what , but it began a trend also in sitcoms on TV and with America being an entertainment oriented society with an increasingly short attentions span, these movies were geared toward sublty brainwashing our youth., as their plans were long term and heading for the next generation. How harmless "Different Strokes", "Fresh Prince", Steve Urkel all seemed to be and how benign they appeared. Even 'Bill Cosby' show seemed to be of good values.

These shows in themselves were harmless BUT the people behind the trend of presenting shows like these had a different agenda and have been carrying it out for a couple of decades now. It brought an image of Black America into equality with White America in a way that introduced the youth of the day to people they may not have met otherwise. Usher in MTV and then BETv which then introduced new behaviors that were then emulated by white youth and roles began to reverse.Clothing lines like Sean John became the styles including baggy jeans that hung down around t he knees and oversized shirts which were originally based on oversized hand me downs seen in the projects worn by the poorest of kids~ Now they became the style along with trashed jeans from places like American Eagle where kids could by jeans with holes all over them for more than $50~ Appealing to the normally rebellious nature of each new generation, these fashion statements and music changes were not like Oldies into Rock n Roll rather the new HipHop that was introduced is full of violence and disrespect.

While Black population is still low in America compared to white population, you would never know it by the media~! The plans I heard these men speak about in 1972 have altered American society at its core~ I moved away from the city in 1985 to the country to get away from all the junk , but with cable TV and the internet, my kids grew up with an attitude of apathy towards old time American values and instead embraced the propaganda that has been spoon fed them since they were young~! While I could bring them to church when they were minors, once they reached adulthood and were exposed to how American life is projected on the TV & Movie screens, their inborn values diminished and they began to embrace whatever entertained them as opposed to what was seriously going wrong with this country. 2 Gulf wars were enough to make t hem not want to vote as they feared the return of the draft [ although my oldest son enlisted at 17 & my oldest daughter enlisted at 18] My younger children who were more exposed to the subtle changes going on have developed far different attitudes, being forced in schools to accept Dick loves Rick as compared to Dick loves Jane and being taught that saying anything about Blacks was racist yet reverse racism is rampant and liberals seem to push more into a mindset that we owe 'them' - the blacks, the immigrants, the Mexicans, the gays, the pedophiles and more, all lumped together protected from any white comments which would be construed as hate crimes.

While blacks use the N word freely, if a white uses it they can be arrested or lose their jobs. Yet when a black person uses a white racial slur, it is acceptable. Equality has been tossed out the window as white middle class America has been stereotyped as being ku klux klan or as white supremicist when they are not yet black supremicists have been overtaking cities everywhere.

Even this isnt the main problem, just part of the foundation of the problem that is building. Arab nations have been infiltrating and sponsoring the enterntainment disguised propagandas to set up the platform they need in order to infiltrate and take over our nation. Obama was able to cultivate and secure the black & liberal vote, yet he himself is only 1/2 black and not even really black but a darker more Egyptian blood muslim. While lying and lurking in a black racist semi Christian church to be able to garner more black and christian support, his birth cert is still not clarified and I strongly doubt had he really been born a citizen that they would have bee forthcoming about it but I believe he isnt even a naturally born American. His black roots are not the problem either. Its his muslim roots that are the threat to our way of life!

Obama can and is initiating social changes to lead our country into bancruptcy and socialism. While that is bad enough and should be sufficient cause to be alarmed, he has also effectively managed to use the race card to neutralize opposition in many cases.Obama is an angry man who dislikes if not hates white Amerricans. He has caused a resurgence of racism and separation. Church friends who were black even saw this and some fell for it, now claiming "its their turn".. What turn? My grandfather came to America during the potato famine and never had a slave~!!

I was born in Brooklyn. My grandparents lived in a project that started out mixed but became 90% black over the years. Visiting them was perilous as even back in the 60's the walls in the buildings were graffittied and urinated on and cars got tires slashed. WE would visit in daylight and have to leave before nightfall or my dad's tires would be flat. While my parents encouraged them to move out they chose to stay since they had lived t here over 30 years and called it home. My grandfather said he got along with everyone and there was mutual respect. He had no fear living there. Then when walking home from work at 89 years old, a small frame of a man less than 100 lbs, he was mugged by 2 black youth and severely beaten because he only had $5 on him to give them, so they said he was worthless and beat the poor man so badly he died a month later from his injuries. My grandfmother was then moved out to live with my aunt.

A few years later my uncle disappeared and his body was found in a dumpster in an all black neighborhood. He was a cop and stationed t here but it took a month to find him when he went missing.

I was pregnant and on crutches when a black boy about 14-15 came running by and snatched my pocket book knocking me over.
Again when I moved and lived in Phili, on Christimas eve 2 black boys with a knife cut my pocket book off my arm and knocked my daughter to the ground and ran with my bag. Police had me look through 5000 pictures of 16 year old black boys who already had a record and mugshots for similar thefts - just in Phili alone~!!

While i did have lots of black neighbors where I lived on Staten Island and in Phili and many lovely friends who went to the same church I attended who were decent moral upstanding citizens, they too had stories of peril from the new youth, who assault and mug them just as much as they do to white people in the cities. Crime is indiscriminate and a mugger will mug whoever is available to be mugged whether black, white , hispanic etc.

Still I am not racist. I am not bigotted. I am however tired of having the race card tossed in my face and shoved down white America's throat so that these minorities now have preferential treatment and in many cases are given priority treatment over white. Quotas being set by govt allow for less educated minorities to secure jobs over any qualified member of a majority..

Liberal politicians and those afraid of being called racists have been giving into the agendas that are effecting negative changes in our country, changes that will make becoming socialist pale by comparison to the goals being quietly set by those that will be ushering in islamic rule within a couple of more decades.

Islam is not just a different religion. It is an ideolgy and a political system t hat rules by Sharia Law and if you think this doesnt effect you or the future of your grandchildren, you are sadly mistaken. This is the enemy that needs to be stopped.This is the enemey that has been brainwashing and appealing to youth and minorities to deceive them and appeal to the disgruntled. These are the ones behind the "change" that Obama promised. These are dangerous people.They control the moderates and their policies are created behind closed doors. Any natural born muslim is living in fear if they wish to leave their root and want to live free ,.They are not allowed. To leave islam puts a death sentence over their heads, no matter where they live on earth.

So called honor killings are happening right here in the USA. Sharia law is in practice in many American communities and more often the police are turning their heads the other way. Every where a mosque is built, that area is claimed for Islam and as they populate the area they push out any opposition by any means necessary including violence.They are spreading like a plague and have taken over much of Europe and are now working here and in Australia.

They confuse the issues with race and religion so they can slip in t heir politics and gain the foothold they need in order to continue with their plan for world domination.

America is still powerful but we have less than 300 million people. Islam already has over 1.3BILLION and growing. White Americans have been brainwashed into abortions and over 35 Million have been performed since it became 'legal' while more immigrants are being encouraged to be fruitful and multiply as well as taught ways to make our govt pay for it at the same time.
They are growing up and able to vote~ they will vote us into the dark ages and they will take over. Their political/religious ideologies are based on hate and conquest. Once in control you will never see any compassion or equality only brutality.

The only hope for America to stem the tides of the domination is to protect our constitution and our borders. We need to oust the liberal or immigrant sympathizers who have given into lobbying groups concerning oil and the middle east. The old barrens had to have a great laugh about the BP oil rig disaster as was a better financial disaster than any terrorist attack than they could have done themselves [ if they didnt have anything to do with the initial fire which no one knows!]

These piggy back laws such as with the student loans, being piggy backed into the writing of these laws, snuck in and like you say, attack our freedoms. Muslims seek to have muslim schools so their children can not embrace American ideologies. They make home grown terrorists from within these schools just as they are doing in Europe currently. The attempt at integration in England has failed and gangs of young muslims attack white and non muslims with little the police can do about it . The muslims rule in jails as well.Theya re creeping into every facet of society globally with one thing on their minds that doesnt change from generation to generation and that is global world domination and islamic rule.

If America turns, repents, and gets active in this grass roots movement. if people's eyes are opened to the real threat, if America takes action to protect our constitution and our rights we still have a chance to save America at least for now and hopefully for our children and their children. Small town America barely has a clue as to how deep, evil and insideous the behind the scenes changes are that are taking place.

Most of what I have said can be easily backed up and verified with multiple online news sources and documents and videos.

God help us. God save America!


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