Scranton Tea Party

Tea Party Patriots of Lackawanna County, PA.

I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of hearing all the “talking points” regarding this healthcare bill. First, let me say, “I have read the bill … have you?” I highly doubt that anyone who is making claims about this legislation have any idea what is in it. I also highly doubt that even those reporting on this bill in major news outlets know what is in it either. So why are the American people relying on such outlets?

I can tell you this, I and many of the Tea Party members have read it! That is why we are against it!

If you go on-line and search using the words “Healthcare Review Board” you will find numerous groups ranging from the Tea Party members to Team Sarah member’s who took sections of the Cap and Trade bill, as well as ALL of the healthcare bills and read them SECTION BY SECTION. Mark my words this bill is not about healthcare!

Let me explain.

If you currently want to buy a health insurance policy and you have a pre-existing condition … you can purchase one. It will cost you a lot more than if you do not have one, but you CAN purchase one.

What this bill does is state that insurance companies can no longer sell insurance plans that do not include coverage for pre-existing coverage. Now you will only have the option of purchasing a policy that INCLUDES pre-existing conditions which will cost more than you would have had to pay if you didn’t have a pre-existing condition.

Therefore, people will be paying much higher premiums because the government mandated the insurance company to only sell policies that cover pre-existing conditions.

This is just one more example of how the government makes the situation worse when they get involved. In this case they made it worse, ON PURPOSE, in order to make insurance premiums too expensive for the average middle-class American to be able to afford them.

The middle-class is who they were targeting in this bill. I mean who else would they be looking to take control over? They already control the poor through Medicaid, SS and Medicare. They now needed to control the “middle-class”.

They knew that rather than depending on the government, we would rather go without insurance, as we choose to do now! The government had to figure out a way to increase the insurance rate to an unaffordable price, while at the same time, get us to purchase their plan.

So what did they do? They mandated we purchase it! So now we have no choice but to either purchase the extraordinarily higher priced mandated insurance that includes coverage of pre-existing conditions or we purchase the government plan! And if we don’t purchase one or the other we will be fined! This will be regulated by the IRS on a monthly basis which, by the way, includes your kids!

Don’t take my word for it. READ THE BILL! HR 3590, Section 5000A, titled “Requirement to Maintain Minimum Essential Coverage”.

You can go to and read it.


Make no mistake about it, this bill was created to destroy our economy and require us all to be dependent upon the government.

They have tried everything possible over the years to get their greedy little hands on the middle-class without success. Now they may just have succeeded.

God help us all.

Laureen A. Cummings

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The whole premise of the Health Care Bill is naive at best. The system will lower premiums by forcing younger, healthier people to buy Health Insurance. If they don't buy it, they will be penalized by 2% of their income. If you are a young, Healthy individual, you will pay the penalty rather than buy insurance because without pre-existing conditions being a factor, why pay that enormous bill when you don't have to. Businesses will drop coverage and pay the penalties rather than pay the now inflated insurance premiums that will come along. Emergency rooms will be busier than ever, medicare and medicaid patients will be hard pressed to find medical care because of lower payments and all of us will have difficulty finding physicians for preventative care. Like the Stimulus Plan which was admittedly unread by Congress, this bill was just rammed through. Our local Representatives and our two Senators are back peddling to cover their shameful spinelessness in going along with this sham. Most people are still not knowledgeable about the implications involved with this Bill but there is an uneasiness prevalent in their attitudes. This uneasiness has even spread to College Campuses in the student body. We must keep this issue going or we will have lost.
Thanks Michael! And I am doing the best I can to "keep it going" so people actually go to and READ IT! They need to see it to believe how bad it is.

Michael Peregrim said:
The whole premise of the Health Care Bill is naive at best. The system will lower premiums by forcing younger, healthier people to buy Health Insurance. If they don't buy it, they will be penalized by 2% of their income. If you are a young, Healthy individual, you will pay the penalty rather than buy insurance because without pre-existing conditions being a factor, why pay that enormous bill when you don't have to. Businesses will drop coverage and pay the penalties rather than pay the now inflated insurance premiums that will come along. Emergency rooms will be busier than ever, medicare and medicaid patients will be hard pressed to find medical care because of lower payments and all of us will have difficulty finding physicians for preventative care. Like the Stimulus Plan which was admittedly unread by Congress, this bill was just rammed through. Our local Representatives and our two Senators are back peddling to cover their shameful spinelessness in going along with this sham. Most people are still not knowledgeable about the implications involved with this Bill but there is an uneasiness prevalent in their attitudes. This uneasiness has even spread to College Campuses in the student body. We must keep this issue going or we will have lost.
The current medicaid system is totally screwed up. The waste involved is unreal. Those who are the recipients are not getting the bulk of the benefits that are supposedly offered. Government and 'Agency" greed have taken most of the tax dollars through red tape and interoffice waste. Physicians and patients receive the smallest piece of the pie while those administering it have created so many nook and cranny obstacles that they each get their piece which has caused skyrotting costs.

If the govt agencies cant manages the Medicaid for the poor, there is little reason to expect them to do better for the middle class.

The middle class is the backbone of America and the buffer between the rich and the poor.The rich always pull govt strings and get away with behind the scenes deals.

The poor you have always~ thats a fact that doesnt change. Someone has to be on bottom, someone always is.

If you were to remove the poor (theorectically) and even cut off all the meager benefits they now receive, then do away withall those jobs that currently administer all the programs ~ that rely on the premise of serving the poor ~ you would then develop a new class of poor by all the jobs lost to the middle class, that are within that megasystem.Then those with college degrees and social/medical experience would drop down into the low level jobs like at Mc D's that the poor have to take turns working for.There are not enough jobs as it stands and many min wage jobs only offer 10-20 hr part time positions to avoid having to pay benefits to their employees , so these part timers are stuck barely able to pay rent and cant afford health care.

Now with this new healthcare proposals that obama presents, the middle class can still expect to receive little or no true relief, as it is geared only to put more burdens on them~ Behind the scenes are those who hate America and want to bring it down. Many Arabs with money sponsor special interest grouos t hat send in lobbyists to persuade the politicians to put through their agendas which do not benefit Americans , targetting the middle class and making it harder for them to get by.

The problem is with those who currently govern or regulate all these programs. Most serve only their own interests rather than those who elected them!! They learn to talk with forked tongues and make empty promises and proposals and then bide their time, vote bigger salaries and pensions for themselves and get away with it. WE need term limits for all levels of govt...since those lifers get all the perks from all the special interest groups and learn to 'play' the people and trick them into re-electing them over and over.. [isnt that one of the definitions for insanity?]

The problem is within those we elect that are writing laws, upholding the current regulations, altering interpretations of laws tacking on new little laws to the postscripts of new laws , that oversee all the current government waste therby perpetuating the problems for the public.

The problem is within the Legislature t that wastes so much time in pretending to be considering matters & debating before voting on them [ some are playing computer games and not even paying attention to the speakers!] and its all at sessions which further waste tax dollars and dont truly bring any real relief to the American people.

The entire system needs to be revamped to go back to being a govt for and by the people , not those whose careers are bleeding the American middle class dry. I can barely watch C-Span anymore as it often disgusts me. All the proposals these politicians consider brought before them, often are not read or understood, but lobbied into acceptance or rejection. Why is it that the lobbysts can dictate or persuade those in public office to meet their interests rather than the publics?

So many are working with the mindset of sterotypes, inflated figures and unreasonable solutions that cost taxpayers more in the long run. They are actually working towards burdening the public, bending the mindsets over health care so much that many are now now are embracing euthanasia as a solution and guilting disabled and elderly into assisted suicides~!
They red tape current health care and are depriving people of needed medical care, causing elder Americans to rather die than be a burden. So many issues need to be addressed that if done from a non-biased intelligent common sense approach, all concerned can have their needs met.

Insurances need to remain privatized and competitive while regulations should be bent more towards assuring quality assurance of care as opposed to having what is tantamount to numerous regulating Mad Hattar Tea Parties by those in control that are perpetuating the government waste in spending.

America needs to continue to wake up and take action as with these grass roots Tea Parties that are springing up nationwide, by spreading the word against government corruption, waste in spending and this current proposed health care reform.

It is time to kick out all the offending politicians [while mostly libs & dems there are some reps that have gotten lazy too] and to keep this grass root movement growing, to educate the young and ignorant to the truth about Obamanomics . He was able to play the Pied Piper and appealed to those who were fooled into voting for him and America is in trouble now as a result..

Even my 'rebellious' children now see what a farce it was to put Obama into the presidency. It was never about race but he used the race card for his dance card and danced his way into office. Clever dirty politics worked for him!! Some of those he easily persuaded are still persuadable and can be reached before the next elections come and be instead persuaded by the truth instead of empty promises that are in fact leading towards destroying our country.

The only change Obama has brought is the fewer cents left from our dollars~! It wont stop as long as he is in the White House and special interests groups continue to use his position to further their own agendas. Many of those are Arab endorced and paid for .Arabs not wanting to benefit or be part of America but who want to take over America and then run it their way.

Many matters that seem unrelated or off topic are actually all very interconnected as they all relate towards the same goal in bringing down America, from both within and without.

A bad health care bill is just another way Obamanomics will work towards destroying democracy in America and turning us into a 3rd world nation..

God help us~!

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