Tea Party Patriots of Lackawanna County, PA.
True and to the point~! Historically whenever they conquered 'their' perceived enemies, they put up a mosque- They did it to the Jews centuries back in Jerusalem tearing down the temple and building right on top of it with their mosque. Its not about God with a different name, its not the same god.Islam is antichristal, antijew but ultimately anti any religion that isnt them.A mosque at Ground Zero would hail to the islamic world that they not only have a large foothold in America but that they are taking over.
Ave hurley,
It is good to see someone with their eye open who can see the real Truth!
They have been trying to take over the world since Ishmael was cast into the desert. Their ancient grudge goes all the way back to Ham [their gggggranddaddy] and Cain! Its their 'spirit' that is the real danger to our country and the world. They use their own moderates to be unwitting buffers to go out and mingle through out the nations, intermarrying, playing nice, gaining acceptance.Then they populate neighborhoods, buy up housing & local stores & put up a mosque.Once they get their mosque, they claim their surroundings and begin to push out their neighbors and do their under the counter Sharia Law~ Its beyond political, beyond religious~ its DEMONIC~!
They have tried many times over the centuries to conquer the world and each time only got so far and were put down but their scent has not changed~they will befriend, bequile and deceive to get their foot in a door. If they can persuade, thats fine for the moment, as it ultimately increases their powerbase for their long term goal.
An Egyptian politician who is islamic was interviewed 2 yrs ago saying it will take less than 20 yrs to 'educate' the young to accept them & then embrace Sharia~! The interviewer asked what about the Jews & Christians who refuse to convert? He put on a face that looked like he swallowed a canary and sidestepped saying they would do what they had to do. The interviewer brought up the Qu'uran saying to put the infidel to death. The politician said they would prefer to compel them to convert, but will do what they must [ indicating that they would indeed kill the ones they consider to be infidels] just like Cain killing Abel multiplied many times~!!
Once they gain an upper hand, there is no common decency, the mask comes off and they reign in terror. its their nature.They not only want to destroy Israel {Jews & Christians} but also anyone who is not one of them. Once they establish Sharia Law, no one is safe. Even their own moderates then become targets to their blood lust. People got it wrong~ the moderates have no power, the jihadists are the true muslims!!
The moderates are nominal and some convert to other religions when they see how harsh and hateful islam really is, but then they too become targets as well. Its a harsh hateful religion that is the embodiment of the spirit of antichrist -
Since 9/11 over 400,000 nominal bible belt christians in Texasalone, have actually converted to islam!
There is a great deal of political and spiritual activity going on behind the scenes.Christianity is becoming less popular, children are not following in their family footsteps - abandoning any form of religion and pointing out faults in the Christian churches of today. They become vulnerable to the lure of islam appearing to be sincere and not as hypocritical as some churches are.A generation is growing up not "knowing" God which makes them instead do whatever they please and dont care if it is right or wrong.These also are vulnerable but as young voting adults, are easily deceived and dont see the consequences of voting in Obama, who is only laying the groundwork of socialism in our country which will be ready then to receive islamic law within the next few decades at the rate they are now going. They get the minorities of each nation to gain the political vote and power and then destroy the country from within. They are all over Europe and now the Australian minorities just gained the political power so they will have a stronger foothold there as well.
They have never succeeded before in history, but there was always some key elements missing that prevented them from succeeding.Now that they have the oil and have been educated in the western world which they despise, they are using our own laws against us to force us to accept them and empower them while all they aim to do is to destroy both Israel & the USA, which goes back to the prophecy of Japheth [gentiles,christians] dwelling in the house of Shem[jews] while Ham's descendents [their forefathers] were cursed, so they seek to steal the promise made to Abraham.Even if you arent 'religious' these curses and blessings are what they operate from.They want to prove themselves more worthy than the Jews to God but they follow allah, who is not God but a god, a god of hate and vengeance~ sick and twisted from the spirit of the father of lies, so rest assured most of the Qu'uran is doublespeak and in most cases the opposite of what is said is closer to the truth.Love is hate to them and if America doesnt wake up, our grandchildren will suffer the consequences of our in-actions.
Ave Hurley said:True and to the point~! Historically whenever they conquered 'their' perceived enemies, they put up a mosque- They did it to the Jews centuries back in Jerusalem tearing down the temple and building right on top of it with their mosque. Its not about God with a different name, its not the same god.Islam is antichristal, antijew but ultimately anti any religion that isnt them.A mosque at Ground Zero would hail to the islamic world that they not only have a large foothold in America but that they are taking over.
Randy Due said:Ave hurley,
It is good to see someone with their eye open who can see the real Truth!
They have been trying to take over the world since Ishmael was cast into the desert. Their ancient grudge goes all the way back to Ham [their gggggranddaddy] and Cain! Its their 'spirit' that is the real danger to our country and the world. They use their own moderates to be unwitting buffers to go out and mingle through out the nations, intermarrying, playing nice, gaining acceptance.Then they populate neighborhoods, buy up housing & local stores & put up a mosque.Once they get their mosque, they claim their surroundings and begin to push out their neighbors and do their under the counter Sharia Law~ Its beyond political, beyond religious~ its DEMONIC~!
They have tried many times over the centuries to conquer the world and each time only got so far and were put down but their scent has not changed~they will befriend, bequile and deceive to get their foot in a door. If they can persuade, thats fine for the moment, as it ultimately increases their powerbase for their long term goal.
An Egyptian politician who is islamic was interviewed 2 yrs ago saying it will take less than 20 yrs to 'educate' the young to accept them & then embrace Sharia~! The interviewer asked what about the Jews & Christians who refuse to convert? He put on a face that looked like he swallowed a canary and sidestepped saying they would do what they had to do. The interviewer brought up the Qu'uran saying to put the infidel to death. The politician said they would prefer to compel them to convert, but will do what they must [ indicating that they would indeed kill the ones they consider to be infidels] just like Cain killing Abel multiplied many times~!!
Once they gain an upper hand, there is no common decency, the mask comes off and they reign in terror. its their nature.They not only want to destroy Israel {Jews & Christians} but also anyone who is not one of them. Once they establish Sharia Law, no one is safe. Even their own moderates then become targets to their blood lust. People got it wrong~ the moderates have no power, the jihadists are the true muslims!!
The moderates are nominal and some convert to other religions when they see how harsh and hateful islam really is, but then they too become targets as well. Its a harsh hateful religion that is the embodiment of the spirit of antichrist -
Since 9/11 over 400,000 nominal bible belt christians in Texasalone, have actually converted to islam!
There is a great deal of political and spiritual activity going on behind the scenes.Christianity is becoming less popular, children are not following in their family footsteps - abandoning any form of religion and pointing out faults in the Christian churches of today. They become vulnerable to the lure of islam appearing to be sincere and not as hypocritical as some churches are.A generation is growing up not "knowing" God which makes them instead do whatever they please and dont care if it is right or wrong.These also are vulnerable but as young voting adults, are easily deceived and dont see the consequences of voting in Obama, who is only laying the groundwork of socialism in our country which will be ready then to receive islamic law within the next few decades at the rate they are now going. They get the minorities of each nation to gain the political vote and power and then destroy the country from within. They are all over Europe and now the Australian minorities just gained the political power so they will have a stronger foothold there as well.
They have never succeeded before in history, but there was always some key elements missing that prevented them from succeeding.Now that they have the oil and have been educated in the western world which they despise, they are using our own laws against us to force us to accept them and empower them while all they aim to do is to destroy both Israel & the USA, which goes back to the prophecy of Japheth [gentiles,christians] dwelling in the house of Shem[jews] while Ham's descendents [their forefathers] were cursed, so they seek to steal the promise made to Abraham.Even if you arent 'religious' these curses and blessings are what they operate from.They want to prove themselves more worthy than the Jews to God but they follow allah, who is not God but a god, a god of hate and vengeance~ sick and twisted from the spirit of the father of lies, so rest assured most of the Qu'uran is doublespeak and in most cases the opposite of what is said is closer to the truth.Love is hate to them and if America doesnt wake up, our grandchildren will suffer the consequences of our in-actions.
Ave Hurley said:True and to the point~! Historically whenever they conquered 'their' perceived enemies, they put up a mosque- They did it to the Jews centuries back in Jerusalem tearing down the temple and building right on top of it with their mosque. Its not about God with a different name, its not the same god.Islam is antichristal, antijew but ultimately anti any religion that isnt them.A mosque at Ground Zero would hail to the islamic world that they not only have a large foothold in America but that they are taking over.
Ave Hurley,
Do you mind me quoting this info you have provided on other tea party forums I belong to?
I agree 100% with it and am aware of these things in the Bible.
I like how you put it together.
Hi Randy,
Of course you can use anything I say online. I have been studying these things many years and while it is clear to me , I am yet amazed at how many people cant seem to see the big picture of whats really going on. Its all available on the internet, their history, their actions, the biblical prophecies being fulfilled in real time. When I was younger some used to ponder the antichrist coming from within a christian named religion. It isnt. It is just as Jesus said, 'the spirit of antichrist' is already among us' ... and it is and now they are gaining political footing worldwide .
Under 3 things the earth trembles [ means it still recovers] Under 4 it can not bear up { cant recover, indicating end times approaching] and its amazing to watch events unfold worldwide that show the beginning of the birthpangs starting that who know how long it will actually take, but meanwhile stages are being set politically that will enable things to happen according to propheyc. That before islam can take over the world , a seeming obscure prediction or warning is tucked into
Prov 30~,
"the maid will succeed her mistress" [ descendant of Hagar , displacing decendant of Sarah = when Islam comes into power, Israel defeated] "when a slave becomes a king"[ descendant of Ham becomes the ruler]
"the way of a serpent upon a rock" [ satan infiltrating the church to be over it a while , while it is yet day] and
"the way of a man with a maiden" [ Abraham with Hagar, rejected her later, she then went back to Egypt~!So she would have raised her son Ishmael with tidbits of Hebrew lore and then what she believed and imparted to her son]
"unloved woman when she finds a husband" { Hagar was the unloved woman and the husband she found , spiritually speaking , was the devil] 'woman is also termed for church on a larger scale and when this woman or church [or religion] 'finds a husband' that is indicative of the antichrist in the flesh rising to power to bring about a false peace as he secures control over the world as nations bow down or submit their power to this individual that will come some day.
History bears out many precursors to this one who is to come. There were many willing prototype rulers such as Hitler, Hussein, Atilla the Hun and more.. but none had all the elements mentioned above, so they were practice runs at trying to take over the world.
With men like Obama in office, if left to do as he pleases, will continue to increase spending til the nations economic framework collapses~ The islamic attack on America is against our financial success worldwide, thus the 94 bombing of the WTC and 9/11 to finish it off.
Now they are getting sympathizers like Obama to want to change immigration laws and keep overspending so this nation being forced towards socialism. Once the world is predominantly socialistic, then its only a matter of time til we actually see the antichrist rise, whether in our lifetime or our children''s childrens lifetimes.
WE need to stand against, the mosque by the WTC and we need to vote out wishy washy self servicing politicians so we can regain some sort of might as a nation once again..
Ave Hurley said:Randy Due said:Ave hurley,
It is good to see someone with their eye open who can see the real Truth!
They have been trying to take over the world since Ishmael was cast into the desert. Their ancient grudge goes all the way back to Ham [their gggggranddaddy] and Cain! Its their 'spirit' that is the real danger to our country and the world. They use their own moderates to be unwitting buffers to go out and mingle through out the nations, intermarrying, playing nice, gaining acceptance.Then they populate neighborhoods, buy up housing & local stores & put up a mosque.Once they get their mosque, they claim their surroundings and begin to push out their neighbors and do their under the counter Sharia Law~ Its beyond political, beyond religious~ its DEMONIC~!
They have tried many times over the centuries to conquer the world and each time only got so far and were put down but their scent has not changed~they will befriend, bequile and deceive to get their foot in a door. If they can persuade, thats fine for the moment, as it ultimately increases their powerbase for their long term goal.
An Egyptian politician who is islamic was interviewed 2 yrs ago saying it will take less than 20 yrs to 'educate' the young to accept them & then embrace Sharia~! The interviewer asked what about the Jews & Christians who refuse to convert? He put on a face that looked like he swallowed a canary and sidestepped saying they would do what they had to do. The interviewer brought up the Qu'uran saying to put the infidel to death. The politician said they would prefer to compel them to convert, but will do what they must [ indicating that they would indeed kill the ones they consider to be infidels] just like Cain killing Abel multiplied many times~!!
Once they gain an upper hand, there is no common decency, the mask comes off and they reign in terror. its their nature.They not only want to destroy Israel {Jews & Christians} but also anyone who is not one of them. Once they establish Sharia Law, no one is safe. Even their own moderates then become targets to their blood lust. People got it wrong~ the moderates have no power, the jihadists are the true muslims!!
The moderates are nominal and some convert to other religions when they see how harsh and hateful islam really is, but then they too become targets as well. Its a harsh hateful religion that is the embodiment of the spirit of antichrist -
Since 9/11 over 400,000 nominal bible belt christians in Texasalone, have actually converted to islam!
There is a great deal of political and spiritual activity going on behind the scenes.Christianity is becoming less popular, children are not following in their family footsteps - abandoning any form of religion and pointing out faults in the Christian churches of today. They become vulnerable to the lure of islam appearing to be sincere and not as hypocritical as some churches are.A generation is growing up not "knowing" God which makes them instead do whatever they please and dont care if it is right or wrong.These also are vulnerable but as young voting adults, are easily deceived and dont see the consequences of voting in Obama, who is only laying the groundwork of socialism in our country which will be ready then to receive islamic law within the next few decades at the rate they are now going. They get the minorities of each nation to gain the political vote and power and then destroy the country from within. They are all over Europe and now the Australian minorities just gained the political power so they will have a stronger foothold there as well.
They have never succeeded before in history, but there was always some key elements missing that prevented them from succeeding.Now that they have the oil and have been educated in the western world which they despise, they are using our own laws against us to force us to accept them and empower them while all they aim to do is to destroy both Israel & the USA, which goes back to the prophecy of Japheth [gentiles,christians] dwelling in the house of Shem[jews] while Ham's descendents [their forefathers] were cursed, so they seek to steal the promise made to Abraham.Even if you arent 'religious' these curses and blessings are what they operate from.They want to prove themselves more worthy than the Jews to God but they follow allah, who is not God but a god, a god of hate and vengeance~ sick and twisted from the spirit of the father of lies, so rest assured most of the Qu'uran is doublespeak and in most cases the opposite of what is said is closer to the truth.Love is hate to them and if America doesnt wake up, our grandchildren will suffer the consequences of our in-actions.
Ave Hurley said:True and to the point~! Historically whenever they conquered 'their' perceived enemies, they put up a mosque- They did it to the Jews centuries back in Jerusalem tearing down the temple and building right on top of it with their mosque. Its not about God with a different name, its not the same god.Islam is antichristal, antijew but ultimately anti any religion that isnt them.A mosque at Ground Zero would hail to the islamic world that they not only have a large foothold in America but that they are taking over.
Randy Due said:Ave Hurley,
Do you mind me quoting this info you have provided on other tea party forums I belong to?
I agree 100% with it and am aware of these things in the Bible.
I like how you put it together.
Hi Randy,
Of course you can use anything I say online. I have been studying these things many years and while it is clear to me , I am yet amazed at how many people cant seem to see the big picture of whats really going on. Its all available on the internet, their history, their actions, the biblical prophecies being fulfilled in real time. When I was younger some used to ponder the antichrist coming from within a christian named religion. It isnt. It is just as Jesus said, 'the spirit of antichrist' is already among us' ... and it is and now they are gaining political footing worldwide .
Under 3 things the earth trembles [ means it still recovers] Under 4 it can not bear up { cant recover, indicating end times approaching] and its amazing to watch events unfold worldwide that show the beginning of the birthpangs starting that who know how long it will actually take, but meanwhile stages are being set politically that will enable things to happen according to propheyc. That before islam can take over the world , a seeming obscure prediction or warning is tucked into
Prov 30~,
"the maid will succeed her mistress" [ descendant of Hagar , displacing decendant of Sarah = when Islam comes into power, Israel defeated] "when a slave becomes a king"[ descendant of Ham becomes the ruler]
"the way of a serpent upon a rock" [ satan infiltrating the church to be over it a while , while it is yet day] and
"the way of a man with a maiden" [ Abraham with Hagar, rejected her later, she then went back to Egypt~!So she would have raised her son Ishmael with tidbits of Hebrew lore and then what she believed and imparted to her son]
"unloved woman when she finds a husband" { Hagar was the unloved woman and the husband she found , spiritually speaking , was the devil] 'woman is also termed for church on a larger scale and when this woman or church [or religion] 'finds a husband' that is indicative of the antichrist in the flesh rising to power to bring about a false peace as he secures control over the world as nations bow down or submit their power to this individual that will come some day.
History bears out many precursors to this one who is to come. There were many willing prototype rulers such as Hitler, Hussein, Atilla the Hun and more.. but none had all the elements mentioned above, so they were practice runs at trying to take over the world.
With men like Obama in office, if left to do as he pleases, will continue to increase spending til the nations economic framework collapses~ The islamic attack on America is against our financial success worldwide, thus the 94 bombing of the WTC and 9/11 to finish it off.
Now they are getting sympathizers like Obama to want to change immigration laws and keep overspending so this nation being forced towards socialism. Once the world is predominantly socialistic, then its only a matter of time til we actually see the antichrist rise, whether in our lifetime or our children''s childrens lifetimes.
WE need to stand against, the mosque by the WTC and we need to vote out wishy washy self servicing politicians so we can regain some sort of might as a nation once again..
Ave Hurley said:Randy Due said:Ave hurley,
It is good to see someone with their eye open who can see the real Truth!
They have been trying to take over the world since Ishmael was cast into the desert. Their ancient grudge goes all the way back to Ham [their gggggranddaddy] and Cain! Its their 'spirit' that is the real danger to our country and the world. They use their own moderates to be unwitting buffers to go out and mingle through out the nations, intermarrying, playing nice, gaining acceptance.Then they populate neighborhoods, buy up housing & local stores & put up a mosque.Once they get their mosque, they claim their surroundings and begin to push out their neighbors and do their under the counter Sharia Law~ Its beyond political, beyond religious~ its DEMONIC~!
They have tried many times over the centuries to conquer the world and each time only got so far and were put down but their scent has not changed~they will befriend, bequile and deceive to get their foot in a door. If they can persuade, thats fine for the moment, as it ultimately increases their powerbase for their long term goal.
An Egyptian politician who is islamic was interviewed 2 yrs ago saying it will take less than 20 yrs to 'educate' the young to accept them & then embrace Sharia~! The interviewer asked what about the Jews & Christians who refuse to convert? He put on a face that looked like he swallowed a canary and sidestepped saying they would do what they had to do. The interviewer brought up the Qu'uran saying to put the infidel to death. The politician said they would prefer to compel them to convert, but will do what they must [ indicating that they would indeed kill the ones they consider to be infidels] just like Cain killing Abel multiplied many times~!!
Once they gain an upper hand, there is no common decency, the mask comes off and they reign in terror. its their nature.They not only want to destroy Israel {Jews & Christians} but also anyone who is not one of them. Once they establish Sharia Law, no one is safe. Even their own moderates then become targets to their blood lust. People got it wrong~ the moderates have no power, the jihadists are the true muslims!!
The moderates are nominal and some convert to other religions when they see how harsh and hateful islam really is, but then they too become targets as well. Its a harsh hateful religion that is the embodiment of the spirit of antichrist -
Since 9/11 over 400,000 nominal bible belt christians in Texasalone, have actually converted to islam!
There is a great deal of political and spiritual activity going on behind the scenes.Christianity is becoming less popular, children are not following in their family footsteps - abandoning any form of religion and pointing out faults in the Christian churches of today. They become vulnerable to the lure of islam appearing to be sincere and not as hypocritical as some churches are.A generation is growing up not "knowing" God which makes them instead do whatever they please and dont care if it is right or wrong.These also are vulnerable but as young voting adults, are easily deceived and dont see the consequences of voting in Obama, who is only laying the groundwork of socialism in our country which will be ready then to receive islamic law within the next few decades at the rate they are now going. They get the minorities of each nation to gain the political vote and power and then destroy the country from within. They are all over Europe and now the Australian minorities just gained the political power so they will have a stronger foothold there as well.
They have never succeeded before in history, but there was always some key elements missing that prevented them from succeeding.Now that they have the oil and have been educated in the western world which they despise, they are using our own laws against us to force us to accept them and empower them while all they aim to do is to destroy both Israel & the USA, which goes back to the prophecy of Japheth [gentiles,christians] dwelling in the house of Shem[jews] while Ham's descendents [their forefathers] were cursed, so they seek to steal the promise made to Abraham.Even if you arent 'religious' these curses and blessings are what they operate from.They want to prove themselves more worthy than the Jews to God but they follow allah, who is not God but a god, a god of hate and vengeance~ sick and twisted from the spirit of the father of lies, so rest assured most of the Qu'uran is doublespeak and in most cases the opposite of what is said is closer to the truth.Love is hate to them and if America doesnt wake up, our grandchildren will suffer the consequences of our in-actions.
Ave Hurley said:True and to the point~! Historically whenever they conquered 'their' perceived enemies, they put up a mosque- They did it to the Jews centuries back in Jerusalem tearing down the temple and building right on top of it with their mosque. Its not about God with a different name, its not the same god.Islam is antichristal, antijew but ultimately anti any religion that isnt them.A mosque at Ground Zero would hail to the islamic world that they not only have a large foothold in America but that they are taking over.
While not all Muslims are terrorists, all the terrorists on 9/11 were Muslims~!!
The built a mosque over the holy temple in Jerusalem when they conquered it hundreds of years ago.
Cordoba - started in Spain when Muslims conquered the Catholics and forced them to help build the Mosque atop the ruins of the Catholic church they destroyed~ Now its the name of the group sponsoring bulding a mosque over the 'collective national religion' of democracy - what was 'our world financial center.'
Since America has freedom of religion, unlike islam which is both an ideology and a religion [ Islam is a monotheist theocricy]
While we have eased up on them by removing Truth from the Public Square [political correctness] they have used our religious laws to penetrate our nation and are spreading their ideology - which is Sharia law as they mingle, intermarry and raise children from both backgrounds, only they strictly enforce islamic training from infancy! These kids are being raised to be ideological muslims which in 20 years or less [ at their own projected growth stats] will have the potential to vote our our way of life and vote in their way of life, overthrowing our constitution and instituting Sharia law as they are currently doing in all the nations they are present in!!
It is said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome.
If Muslims historically always build a mosque at the sites of their conquests,, they are consistent to their ancient goals.
If we think it is going to have a different outcome, they we are deluded, deceived and obviously insane~!
Those of us who see through the threat need to take a stand against it and against those politicians who would complacently put our nation at such a risk.
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