Scranton Tea Party

Tea Party Patriots of Lackawanna County, PA.

Theresa Kane
  • Female
  • Olyphant, PA
  • United States
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At 10:43am on August 18, 2010, Michael Peregrim said…
Hello Theresa, I will let people know how to contact you. It will be very hard to overcome Ed Stabach in this district with all of the friends he has. The most important points you need to make to people is that 1) If things don't change soon, the burden will be placed on their children and grandchildren. Give them some figures on how much more the legislator is costing them now than it did when Stabach came into office and how it will be going up much more in the future. Most people aren't aware how much their money is being whittled away by all of the taxes added over the years. 2) Make them aware that just because Stabach isn't a corrupt individual himself, he has allowed corruption to flourish by staying on the sidelines. Ed Stabach is too well liked to make any dispersions against him in any way but point out that he also isn't part of the solution either. 3) Business doesn't go where it isn't wanted. Give numbers about how many regulations, agencies and employees have been added over the Stabach period and how much it costs them. Use Penndot as an example because they are highly visible and the brunt of many jokes. Let people know how much some of these individuals make with benefits and you will raise some blood pressures every time they see them standing on the side of the road doing nothing. I once knew an attorney that worked for Penndot and he told me that Penndot employed over 500 lawyers. 4) Point out that we have the second most expensive legislature in the country and we have nothing to show for it. Something is terribly wrong when we cost more than NY state.
You can't win by saying anything back about Ed, but you can make people think that it is time for him to retire and most importantly, that no one has to know how they voted in November. Mike
At 10:54am on August 16, 2010, Michael Peregrim said…
Hello Theresa, I know Ed Stabach and I think everyone would agree that he is a very nice man. However, he has been there too long even if he is an honest man. He is still part of the problem in our state legislature. I would like to help you out but I am up to my eyeballs with commitments and work. The nearest weekend I have free is in the middle of November and that is a maybe. I will pass the word with anyone I meet and put it just like I have to you. If Ed isn't part of the solution, he is part of the problem. I know you have a tough obstacle to overcome because of the attitudes in the district. The one hope is to have a low turnout because of non interest on the die hard Democrats and a good turnout by those who are interested in change. Mike
At 12:02am on August 15, 2010, Laureen said…

We could really use as much help as possible! You can make a difference! We are currently running a bus trip to Glenn Beck event. You can see bus info in the event section if you are interested in signing up I suggest you do it now! We are down to seven seats! All money must be in by Sunday night. Therefore I will need to meet up with anyone interested in attending to obtain cash payment. Please call me if interested at 780-8651. Do not mail.

We hold weekly chat sessions usually on monday or tuesday evenings between 8pm - 9 pm that usually last about an hour. I would love to have you involved in our grassroots effort to take our country back. If you are interested in volunteering please email me.

In the meantime...Nice to have you on board!

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