Scranton Tea Party

Tea Party Patriots of Lackawanna County, PA.

Would you expect your car to continue running indefinitely if you never changed the oil, never got it serviced, never got a tune-up?
If your car broke down, would you expect it to run by cleaning the windshield and never looking under the hood?
Yet this is how we expect our government to run.
We wait until Election Day, after the parties have chosen their candidates, and wonder why we don't have better choices at the ballot box.
Or maybe we do have some good candidates this time. But they never make it past the Primary.
Do you wonder why?
Do you wonder why the car isn't running even though you shined up that windshield real nice and pretty?
Man, you have to look under the hood!
Then you have to figure out what makes that car run.
The county and state committees make your political parties run.
They are what gets the candidates elected.
Do you know who your county committee representatives are? Do you know what they stand for? Do you know if they do anything at all to represent you in the party?
Do you know when your party meetings are? What the bylaws say? Do they list committee members on their web site? What if you wanted to talk to the county Chairman? How would you reach him? Would he talk to you and listen to your concerns?
How are candidates replaced in the General Election if they for any reason withdraw from the ballot?
That happened here in Altoona for city mayor a in 2009. Who chose the replacement candidate?
The county committee people in Altoona chose. They determined the outcome of the leadership in the hub of the 9th Congressional District. A handful of committee people who no one knew.
What is your committee doing?
Did they bring all the Primary candidates to town so you could evaluate the choose best one?
No, they did not, because they were told by STate Committee that they had to support the ENDORSED candidates.
It was over before it even started.
Who was left out of the picture?
The Republican rank-and-file.
You can take back your county and state committees.
If we are going to change our country for the better, we need to start at the local level.
There is no quick fix.
Are you in or are you out??

Views: 23


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