Tea Party Patriots of Lackawanna County, PA.
I have been concerned from the first day I heard about this mosque being a serious consideration to its plans being made and the way paved to it becoming a reality, That America is really in for more…Continue
Started Aug 26, 2010
Ave Hurley has not received any gifts yet
In Sept 2010 I moved to my daughter's in Minnesota & stayed til April 2011
I bought a house in Elk County - North Western Pa. about 225 miles from Scranton,so I am too far away to participate there but still like to keep informed, I still need to find the local Tea Party for my new area once I get settled in here....
About me:
Born in NYC , one of 14 brothers & sisters, many in the military, public service and municipal services.
My family is comprised of being Conservative, Republican, Right to Life and collectively, morally led. I am a Christian and embrace all the same values and believe that we can all do well when we include God in every facet of our lives, [although not just speaking religious aspects , rather by prinicpals and lifestyle,
My parents spearheaded B.L.A.S.T. to stop the LNG tanks in NYC in t he 70's-80's. My brother was first NYPD in the 94 WTC bombing to arrive & save lives. My other brothers & sister were NYPD & NYFD helping in aftermath of 9/11. I worked on the 96th floor at the 2 WTC before moving to Pa in 1988.
My family lost many friends and collegues there on 9/11 but God graciously spared them. My brothers were en route to work there when the planes hit. Communications were down as I watched in horror on TV from my hospital bed in Sayre, not knowing til the next day that my family members were spared.
I worked as a Red Cross volunteer at Ft.Sill's Reynolds Army Hospital while my son was on his second toure of duty in Iraq, when Katrina hit and I was deployed to start & run shelters in Lawton Ok for evacuees. I felt privileged to being able to help some of the families individually to relocate to new housing & jobs, before going to Washington to help move my daughter back to Pa in 2005, when I was struck by a hit & run driver in Painted Post which has caused me to stay in Pa with my younger sons since then..
While I am disabled I am an artist and started a network for artists who want to show decency in art, My network is Family Friendly and safe for all viewing audiences. I help other artists to learn how to show and promote their art online.
I dont like being disabled and forced to live on SS nor do I like the waste I see in the Medicaid system and go to the doctors as seldom as possible to use as little resources as possible.
I live very conservatively and do volunteer work whenever I am able and as opportunities arise, so I can continue to contribute as a citizen in our great country.
While i have been humbled by my own circumstances, lost my home, my husband, most of my possessions over the last several years, I cant forget where I came from and cant help but be concerned about my children and grandchildren's future, as I see so much govt waste and pressures mounting on the middle class of America to which the majority my own family belongs.
I have 5 children. My oldest son served in the US Army 9.5 yrs honorably in Korea & Iraq and is now working for the University of Phoenix, is married and has 2 children, My oldest son in law served in the US Marines and is married to my daughter and now works in Missouri and they have 8 children. My youngest daughter is married to a US Marine who has served 2x in Iraq & is now stationed in North Dakota .They have 2 babies,My husband is dead but he had also served in the US Army back in the 60's.
I have extended military family still serving overseas, as well so I am very concerned about the direction our nation is heading under the misleadership of Obama and those in elected that are enabling the dismantling of our nations infrastructure through overspending and mismanagement of our tax dollars.
I support Sarah Palin as a down to earth, intelligent , sensible prospect as future president. While I may be a bit 'old schooled' concerning having a woman for president, i saw in her a hope, a mutual bond in views and like her approach to matters and her ability to run in an elected capacity. She did great in Alaska and I totally supported her last presidential run with Sen John McCain.
I hope this movement continues and that Sarah Palin or someone she endorses of equal intelligent moral fiber, becomes our next president and that all the Obamite types are cast out of government.
We have to take back America. We have to use our laws to protect our way of life and stop those who manipulate our laws to suit their own agendas like Obama, who is opening the floodgates and will , if allowed, break our country into a socialist society that will enable the islamics to rise to power within our nation. They already declared war on us and our financial market by blowing up the WTC ~! Now they want to show the world they conquered the USA by putting up a mosque at Ground Zero~!!
Islam did the same when they conquered Israel centuries ago and placed their mosque on top of the ruins of the Temple!! to them it is a mark of Victory and it galls me that one is even being considered now. Their agenda remains the same since the days of Abraham,. They want to take over the world and keep repeating their attempts. They dont want equality they want to conquer. They use their own moderates to buffer their jihadist agenda. They will even kill their own once they have destroyed all other opponents.
Their presence in the US is growing at a staggering rate. They virtually have taken over Dearborn Michigan and have persuaded and converted over 400,000 bible belt former Christians to islam just since 9/11~!! It happening everywhere. Europe is being overrun and towns are no longer safe in many places as they have gained t he ground they needed and now beligerantly antagonize t heir neighbors.
European church attendance is down more than 60% [ some citing fear as islamic gangs pick on them as they go to church!] and the trend is now sweeping into the US. Britain has been having many issues with t hem as well .the problem is they come in , nationalize, raise up a generation of Voters, then lobby for sympathetic politicians that maybe unwittingly further the islamic agenda by their passive restraints and liberal embrace.
It will be a great tragedy if that mosque gets erected near Ground Zeroi~! It will tell the growing islamic world that their time has come~ 2 yrs ago an Egyptian [islamic] politician spelled out their global plan on TV. It includes mingling with the people, befriending and persuading acceptance, then conversions over a generation and then to continue gaining footlholds in politics and brainwashing the youth to embrace islam.
Once they garner enough support they will openly employ Sharia Law, although they already do under the counter and much of it is withheld from the news papers. Its horrible stuff and will place future generations in great peril.
So thankyou Tea Party for taking a stand for America. If anything is to be done to stop the trend and preserve our nation, now is the time to do so. It starts with one on one then two on two and groups meeting in towns and towns rallying into the cities as witnesses to what needs to be done to save America or to at least stem the tides of its demise .
Those considering themselves to be Liberal or Progressives are either blind to the ramifications their enablement of Obama and all he stands with and for [ his islamic 'brothers'!] or are corrupted by their own agendas and care not for the American people or our children's futures or may just be plain self centered ignorant fools who just think they will always have their own little plot of ground and their own little job in their own little towns and believe they cant make a difference in Washington, but they are wrong~!!
While the we have 2 years til the next presidential election we can make changes in the Senate and Congress as well as at local levels of government to emphasize the need to restore pride in America through the values we now need to defend.
Posted on August 27, 2010 at 9:30am
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