Scranton Tea Party

Tea Party Patriots of Lackawanna County, PA.

Well I have been saying all along that the Democratic and Republican Parties have been invaded by socialists. BELIEVE ME NOW?

We have finally seen what Progressives stand for ... Socialism, Communism, Fascism and total Government control. If you don't believe that we are now under the control of a socialist government, ask Al Sharpton. He seems to think the American people were fully aware of this fact and voted FOR socialism!

On Fox News during his interview with Geraldo, Al Sharpton stated, “This is the beginning of the transforming of the country. The way the President had promised. This is what he ran on.” Geraldo interjected stating, “Some would argue to Socialism” In which Al Sharpton replied, “Well, first of all, then we would have to say that the American public overwhelmingly voted for Socialism when they elected President Obama”.

Al Sharpton went on to say that President Obama told the American people what he was going to do and stated, “Let’s not act as though the President didn’t tell the American people!”

Find the video here:

There you go! He is right! The Republicans, Libertarians and even real Democrats (Democrats for McCain) also told the American people. But they wouldn't listen because they were told they were "racists" and "bigots" if they spoke against a black candidate running for President. That was their tactic. Get it? Or are you still going to deny it?

You see, what Al Sharpton fails to point out, is the way the American people were tricked into believing that Obama was NOT a socialist. The media refused to report on Obama's past and gave him every pass available.

They refused to look into his past such as college records which still have not been released. They did not thoroughly investigate his associations with Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, Khalid, George Soros, and Al Monsour and, the most blatant, Reverend Wright.

Every time the American people brought his past up they were called RACISTS! That is how they tricked YOU! They used the race card. It is just as I had stated in previous reports.

So will you now continue to let the progressive socialists use the race card, the gender card or the gay card to "trick" you into their socialist agenda? Or will you stand with your fellow patriotic Americans and fight this progressive socialist and those that have infiltrated the Democratic and Republican Party?

You must realize that the "good ole boys" network is gone. As a matter of fact, it has assisted us in getting into this mess. STOP IT! We must join together and stop this agenda before they destroy our country. We must not fall into the "good ole boys" club. If we do, I fear that the progressives will win.

America will be no more and our kids will be the ones that never get to live the American dream. They will instead grow up under a socialist regime. You know ... like Cuba!

Is that what you want for your kids and grandchildren?

Laureen A. Cummings

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Hello Laureen, There is no doubt that the media for the most part were very partial during the Presidential election. But, I have to place most of the blame on the electorate for making their choices. It is no different than a lazy parent blaming a child's behavior and grades on the schools. How many people go to the polls without even knowing what offices are up for election, let alone what the candidates are offering in experience and position. The most important goal is to wake up the electorate and have them be aware, even slightly of what is going on and how it affects them. The Tea Party Movement has to be the impartial and trusted source for information. Endorsements of candidates can only be made by placing concrete facts side by side with no bias. The platform of the Tea Party should be based on the simple premise of the Constitution and fiscal conservancy. The platform cares not about Party affiliation, Race or Creed.
Micheal, I agree about the endorsements. But as for the media, I think that if the Scranton Times printed the above article PRIOR to the elections, Hillary or McCain would currently be our President.
Hello Laureen, I don't know if it would have worked. People were transfixed by this guy and they weren't believing that he would actually do what he said. The electorate is so used to politicians making false promises that they weren't really paying attention. The best they were doing was hearing a few sound bites from time to time. Let's face it, most people don't even know who their Representative is nor what they voted on. Obama has awakened many people to pay attention to what is going on in Washington. That is his only redeeming factor ,albeit in a negative way. In many ways, people were just voting against Bush. I wasn't happy with the increased spending of a Republican majority and the fact that Bush did not try to at least slow it down. The Republicans in 2004 were better at earmarks than the Dems were. The beauty of the Tea Party is that it is based on principles not on a political party. It is important that it stands true to those principles and not get associated with a party other than endorsing a candidate that evokes those principles. The closest there has come to a movement like this is, the Grange before the turn of the last century.
I wish I could just blame the media but it was more of a backlash by a polished speaker than it was the media. I have talked to some very intelligent, successful people that still evoke the brilliance of Obama. They are older and grew up with loyalty to the Democratic party. They will never hear what is real because they will never listen. Fortunately, the vast majority of the people that I talk to are listening now. It is very rare to see an Obama bumper sticker on a vehicle. As unpopular as Bush was, I remember seeing more of those stickers on a few years ago than you will see of Obama now. My hope and prayer is that at least five per cent of the population will become more aware and active in what our elected officials are doing. That five per cent extra would not have allowed Obama to be elected. In the future, that five per cent could be enough to bring us out of the abyss that our elected officials have put us in for decades. Obama may have just saved this country by being as radical as he is. Without him, many people would have just gone on with their lives and never paid attention to what their elected officials were doing to them. The important thing is that people like you have awakened enough people that we can bring this country back to the greatness it was destined to be. Mike

Laureen said:
Micheal, I agree about the endorsements. But as for the media, I think that if the Scranton Times printed the above article PRIOR to the elections, Hillary or McCain would currently be our President.
You are right Linda, but its even more devious than that. Socialism will be just the petry dish to bring about the government they really want to build with their new world order which will be doing away with Christian religious freedoms, as they use our laws to protect and promote islam and socialist programs that for now they just want to do and say anything to seize power so they can destroy our nation from within.

Hitting the WTC was a statement of intent on the mother of all battes as Hussein called the first Gulf War~ In America with so many religions, they went instead to go to the heart of what makes this country tick~ money ~ and hit our world financial center.
Now that want to put up a mosque there~!!!!

They pushed the idea of Obama being black and everyone who was against him was a racist. He is the racist as is his wife~! Besides he is 1/2 white technically. Conveniently his grandmother, who knew the truth died the night of the election, almost like a sacrifice sort of. I cant get a hold of how they cant even prove he is American, yet somehow was able to be a candidate and become president. His pied piper routine that appealed to young and ignorant people along with the liberal wacky agendas and rhetoric goes to show how easily people were deceived or just didnt care enough to worry about what such a person would bring to the white house~ He looks more Egyptian to me- but besides the point, it is islam that is in his blood, generational and he was partly raised muslim and they are notorious to lie to get over as they are allowed to lie to the benefit of allah.
His overspending will keep going til the economy collapses unless all that follow him are voted out of office and that he gets voted out.

I think Sarah Palin would have made a much better president and yet I am kind of old fashioned and wouldnt have thought to vote a woman into it , but Margeret Thatcher did okay in the UK when she was in and I think Sarah Palin did a good commonsense peoples interest job when governor and would pick a cabinet to help pull this country out of debt .
Obama is setting the stage for worse things to come in America.

I just hope it isnt too late for reforms and cleaning house and putting new politician into office that will at least have some moral fiber to them as well as backbone to turn our national debt around and to improve our national image.

:) Ave

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