Scranton Tea Party

Tea Party Patriots of Lackawanna County, PA.

He's been in power for a long time, we need a "change".

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Comrade Kanjorski is just another politicial hack for the the Obama, Pelosi and Reid Marist Agenda. Comrade Casey, Comrade Carney and Comrade Sestak also have to go.Rally cry should be - Hell no, they all have to go!!!!!
We need to drum up support for Barletta and demonstrate how lame Kanjorski has been. I've been posting on the Pocono Record comments as much as possible, responding to letters to the editor and the news articles where appropriate. We should also target the same strategy on the Scranton and Wilkes-Barre online media sources.

If someone says vote for Kanjorski, reply why that is a big mistake, adhering to the facts. They have been trying to discredit Barletta claiming he has failed as mayor, that he's grandstanding with the illegal legislation, that he is racist - there are a lot of Latinos in NEPA who might be persuaded to believe that pushing point because they always try to make it sound like he's against Latinos, and not ALL illegals, which simply isn't the truth. But it makes for an emotional vote.

I've seen the commercials now where Kanjorski shows a picture of Barletta with Bush - trying that old tired formula of leveraging Bush's unpopularity at the end of his term to Barletta, that he is just "another Bush". It worked in the Presidency election, but I think people are smarter now - still, we need to demonstrate Barletta is NOT Bush to cut off that strategy.

A lot of people read these comments across the various media sources, we should target them with the truth and rebut any fear mongering or glossy accolades with facts and reason, and challenge them to do the same. Lets face it - if you support Obamacare, you are voting for Kanjorski. We need to persuade the indies and anyone else on the fence why that is just bad all around for NEPA and our country. We need to do the same for all of them.

Almost October people - election day is drawing near and there is much good we can do before then!
LOVE That slogan!

Don Jones said:
Comrade Kanjorski is just another politicial hack for the the Obama, Pelosi and Reid Marist Agenda. Comrade Casey, Comrade Carney and Comrade Sestak also have to go.Rally cry should be - Hell no, they all have to go!!!!!

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