Scranton Tea Party

Tea Party Patriots of Lackawanna County, PA.

Hello Laureen,  The internet routine where Government provides the WIFI has been unsuccessful in many other metropolitan areas.  It is another example of Government providing a "service" that you pay for without the ability to finance.  Free internet is a wonderful thing except that somebody has to pay for it.  I am not a big fan of the monopoly that is Cable TV which is a monopoly because local governments have their hand in the till.  There are metropolitan areas that are not a monopoly via local government and the cable rates are much lower as is their internet.  The local governments around here say they need the revenue from Cable but the difference in revenue to actual cost to the consumer in a free market Cable environment isn't even close.  The internet would just be another example of government interfering in the free market which would raise costs and lower technological advances.  Does anyone really believe that the Cable companies in this monopoly environment won't raise your Cable rates to compensate for the lost revenue from the internet?  This is the message that all need to hear and understand.  Mike

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That is yet another example of how they will try to take it over. Same concept as Health Insurance: The more the government provides MA to the less people that are applying for insurance therefore they need to raise their premiums to compensate for the revenue loss the Government created! One big circle jerk. Then the government comes out and condemns the Insurance company based on greed!!!!!!!!!!! And the people believe them.

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